
TRU EARTH Athlete Fundraiser

TRU EARTH Athlete Fundraiser

Judo Alberta is teaming up with TRU EARTH to raise money for our Judo Alberta athletes and programs. This is a great opportunity for you to help support Judo Alberta by purchasing these fantastic TRU EARTH products.

TRU EARTH Eco-Strips are the smarter way to clean laundry. Each laundry strip packs ultra-concentrated, hypoallergenic, eco-friendly cleaning power into a tiny, pre-measured strip of liquidless laundry detergent that you just toss in the wash. Its low-sudsing formula works in all types of washing machines, including high-efficiency (HE). The smart hypoallergenic laundry detergent formulation effectively seeks out and dislodges dirt molecules and stains, keeping them in suspension until they are rinsed away. It makes your laundry washing chore easier, healthier, more economical, and much kinder to our planet.


Judo Alberta is encouraging its membership to order from TRU EARTH and to share our fundraising link to friends, family, employees, and colleagues. If we are going to make an impact on raising funds for Judo Alberta athletes and programs, we will need everyone to work as a team. This is a fantastic product!

Judogi Cleaning & Covid-19 Reality

It is very important that judoka are washing their judo uniforms and training clothes following each training. TRU EARTH is a great laundry detergent that is fantastic for cleaning judogis and is environmentally friendly because we are not using the big plastic bottles.

TRU EARTH laundry strips are perfect for athletes that will be traveling to competitions and training camps. No need to purchase laundry detergent on the road or have a bag of detergent or a container of liquid detergent. The TRU EARTH strips will simply fit into your baggage taking almost no room without having to worry about a mess.

Learn More about TRU EARTH & their Critical Cause:

TRU EARTH CEO Brad Liski provides some insight on their Fundraising Program and the positive impact it has on raising funds for sports. You can check out the video here:

POSTPONED Regional Training Camp Calgary – Saturday, September 18, 2021

POSTPONED Regional Training Camp Calgary – Saturday, September 18, 2021

Division: U14, U16, U18, U21, Seniors, Masters

Address for regional training camp location:

Hiro’s Judo Club

 #115 1919 – 27th Avenue, Calgary, Alberta

Saturday September 18, 2021

Time: 3:30PM to 5:00PM – Physical Testing (Judo Specific) & Throwing

Time: 6:00PM to 7:30PM – Technical, & Randori

Registration Deadline: Thursday, September 16, 2021

Judoka who will participate in this Regional Camp are asked to register on Trackie:

All Judoka who are participating in Judo Alberta Regional Training sessions, Provincials Training sessions and Competition should be registered members of Judo Alberta. Please ensure that your judo clubs have registered you with Judo Alberta.

There is no cost for the training camp

Ewan Beaton HP Judo Alberta Coach                

Phone: (403) 892-6099


POSTPONED Regional Training Camp Edmonton Friday / Saturday, September 17-18, 2021

POSTPONED Regional Training Camp Edmonton Friday / Saturday, September 17-18, 2021

Division: U14, U16, U18, U21, Seniors, Masters

Address for regional training camp location:

Tokugawa Judo Club

9647 62nd Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta

Friday September 17, 2021

Time: 6:30PM to 8:30PM – Technical & Randori

Saturday September 18, 2021

Time: 9:00AM to 12:00PM – Physical Testing (Judo Specific), Technical, & Randori

 Registration Deadline: Thursday, September 16, 2021

Judoka who will participate in this Regional Camp are asked to register on Trackie:

All Judoka who are participating in Judo Alberta Regional Training sessions, Provincials Training sessions and Competition should be registered members of Judo Alberta. Please ensure that your judo clubs have registered you with Judo Alberta.

There is no cost for the training camp

Ewan Beaton HP Judo Alberta Coach                

Phone: (403) 892-6099


Judo Alberta Grading Process Guidelines

Judo Alberta Grading Process Guidelines


Congratulations Judo Alberta Grading Candidates

Congratulations Judo Alberta Grading Candidates

On July 17th, Judo Alberta hosted the first Competitive Stream Dan Grading at the Lethbridge Judo Club.  Gord Okamura and Garry Yamashita conducted the Nage-no-kata and Waza clinics, while Kelly Palmer and Wesley Enns led the Katame-no-kata and Kime-no-kata clinics.  During the Waza clinic, all candidates were asked to demonstrate and give a brief explanation of how they execute their favourite techniques (both tachi-waza and ne-waza) and then everyone had the opportunity to practice the movements.  A total of 29 participants took part in the kata clinics, including the Competitive Stream candidates.

The Judo Alberta Provincial Grading Board would like to announce the following promotions and express our congratulations to all the candidates! 


Aidan Lazenby – Lethbridge Judo Club

Alexander Wu – Tokugawa Judo Club

Anna Prus-Czarnecka – Kodokwai Judo Club

Brynn Iwaasa – Lethbridge Judo Club

Davis Johnston – Kodokwai Judo Club

Evelyn Beaton – Lethbridge Judo Club

Greta Goasdoue-Wallace – Hiro’s Judo Club

Seth Norbert – Kodokwai Judo Club

Shion Crook – Hiro’s Judo Club

Teyana Roberts – Airdrie Judo Club


Alex Gagnon – Tolide Judo Club

Taeya Koliaska – Lethbridge Judo Club


Rashad Chin – Kodokwai Judo Club  

On July 18th Gord Okamura and Garry Yamashita also conducted a Goshin Jutsu clinic for the general membership. 

Reminder: The next Technical Stream grading will take place on September 25, 2021 at the Lethbridge Judo Club.  All judoka wishing to be graded must have approval from their club sensei and get their online grading application submitted to Judo Canada by September 14, 2021.  To avoid any delays or disappointment, please ensure you meet the grading requirements by reviewing the 2021 National Grading Syllabus posted on the Judo Canada website.             

Tokyo 2020 Media Information

Tokyo 2020 Media Information

IOC rules and regulations:

The Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games are about to begin. The day after the opening ceremony, which will be held on Friday 23rd July, the first two categories of the judo tournament will be in action on the tatami of the Budokan. Find hereafter useful information related to the judo event.

DATES 24th – 31st July 2021

VENUE Budokan, 2-3 Kitanomarukōen, Chiyoda City, Tokyo 102-8321, Japan

SOCIAL MEDIA Use the following hashtags in all your communication related to judo during the Games #Tokyo2020 #JudoTokyo2020 #Judo #MoreThanSport

Tag: @Olympics and use #StrongerTogether #Tokyo2020 #Olympic


Saturday 24th JULY 2021: DAY 1 (W: -48 kg mat 1, M: -60 kg mat 2) 11:00: Preliminaries – 17:00: Final Block and medal ceremonies

Sunday 25th JULY 2021: DAY 2 (W: -52 kg mat 2, M: -66 kg mat 1) 11:00: Preliminaries – 17:00: Final Block and medal ceremonies

Monday 26th JULY 2021: DAY 3 (W: -57 kg mat 1, M: -73 kg mat 2) 11:00: Preliminaries – 17:00: Final Block and medal ceremonies

Tuesday 27th JULY 2021: DAY 4 (W: -63 kg mat 2, M: -81 kg mat 1) 11:00: Preliminaries – 17:00: Final Block and medal ceremonies

Wednesday 28th JULY 2021: DAY 5(W: -70 kg mat 1, M: -90 kg mat 2) 11:00: Preliminaries – 17:00: Final Block and medal ceremonies

Thursday 29th JULY 2021: DAY 6 (W: -78 kg mat 2, M: -100 kg mat 1) 11:00: Preliminaries – 17:00: Final Block and medal ceremonies

Friday 30th JULY 2021: DAY 7 (W: +78 kg mat 1, M: +100 kg mat 2) 11:00: Preliminaries – 17:00: Final Block and medal ceremonies

Saturday 31st JULY 2021: DAY 8 Mixed Team Event 11:00: Preliminaries – 17:00: Final Block and medal ceremonies

OFFICIAL DRAW The official draw of the competition will be held on Thursday 22nd July Time: 14:00 local time Location: Online

MIXED ZONE All athletes leaving the field of play will pass through the mixed zone.

PRESS CONFERENCES Each day after medal ceremonies DURATION: 20-30 min

Interpreters will be provided by Tokyo 2020 and will be connected remotely.

Facilitation will be managed in English by the Venue Media Manager

IJF and AJJF can request additional Press Conferences upon approval by the Venue Media Manager

Individual Day 1-Day 7 Press conference of women’s medallists will begin around 20:00 and will be followed by the men. Each press conference is attended by the 4 medallists (BronzeA, BronzeB, Silver, Gold) in one row.

Mixed Team Day 8 Press conference will be held in order of BronzeA, BronzeB, Silver, Gold Each press conference attended by full NOC team inscribed for the mixed team event (Maximum of 12 Judokas). They will be seated in two rows 6-6, staggered. Back row on stools for visibility.


2021-22 Registration Now Open

2021-22 Registration Now Open

The 2021-2022 Judo Alberta Registration Information is now available!

Judo Alberta and Judo Canada registration fees are non-refundable once submitted on Trackie. Registrations for the 2021-2022 Season opened on July 1. There are no fee changes from 2020-2021.

• All members must have a waiver signed at the club or the club needs to ensure one is put into Trackie for members to acknowledge.
• At the end of each month, Judo Alberta will send invoices to clubs for members registered during the past month. These invoices are due immediately. Payments can be made by cheque and sent to Judo Alberta office or through eTransfer to
• All membership and other fees are due to Judo Alberta before the next season registration can be done for each club.

CLUB INFORMATION – To be completed and submitted to the Registrar ( and Judo Alberta ( so Club information is kept up to date. All Judo Alberta clubs are required to have all their members sign a liability waiver. If you have any questions or need assistance creating a waiver, please contact the Judo Alberta office.

MEMBER INFORMATION – Each member can complete this form to assist the Club in completing Judo Canada’s online registration. DO NOT send this form to the Registrar or Judo Alberta offices; it is strictly for club use.
Encourage members who self-identify as First Nations, Metis, Inuit, or have a disability, indicate this on their form or online registration. This information assists in programming.

PROMOTIONS— Promotion form is to be filled out completely including qualified Examiner/Sponsor indicated. Both this form and payment need to be received before Promotions will be registered and processed. All Promotions must be registered with Judo Alberta; unregistered promotions could cause delays or fines (ie. Shodan grading, tournament registrations, Nationals, Alberta Winter Games, Canada Winter Games, etc.).

When submitting promotions, group them by ranks and then each of those ranks in alphabetical order. If you have a lot of promotions, a separate sheet for each rank, in alphabetical order helps.

PIPEDA & CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT – Each club member should complete this document. The original is kept by the Club with access by Judo Alberta should the need arise. A PIPEDA Agreement for members does not need to be completed each year; just once for as long as they are a member. Judo Alberta only needs to be provided with a copy of the Exclusion List.

The Confidentiality Agreement needs to be completed by all club members who have access to personal information within the club structure. This would include the coaches and registrar, as well as any board members who have access to private contact or medical information. Time should be taken by the registrar and/or head coach to reinforce the importance of maintaining the privacy of all athletes, volunteers and coaches.


Judo Alberta Registrar

Yudansha Grading Schedule of Events July 17-18, 2021(UPDATED)

Yudansha Grading Schedule of Events July 17-18, 2021(UPDATED)

To: Judo Alberta Clubs, please note the changes below and forward this information to your members.

To ensure all competitive stream candidates fully meet their grading requirements, an additional kata is being conducted. In addition to Nage no Kata Saturday, we have Katame no Kata Saturday morning, Kime no Kata Saturday afternoon, and Kodokan Goshin Jutsu Sunday morning (during the practice time). Each day’s start time is 9 am.

  Mat Area 1 Mat Area 2
Sat AM Nage no Kata (Set 1 to 3) Katame no Kata
Sat PM Nage no Kata (Set 4 to 5) Waza Clinic Kime no Kata
Sun AM Kodokan Goshin Jutsu Open Practice

Please note that any judoka (not necessarily yudansha candidates) may attend these kata sessions.

If you have any questions, please contact Gord Okamura at

Thank you


This is a summary of events scheduled for the July 17 &18 weekend at the Lethbridge Kyodokan Judo Club (2775 28 Ave S, Lethbridge, AB).

A. Competitive Stream Yudansha Candidates

  1. Your Yudansha Grading is scheduled for Saturday, July 17th, 2021 from 9 am to 6 pm. Competitive stream candidates will not do a traditional formal Dan grading examination. Instead, there are two components to your grading.
  2. First, there will be a kata clinic for your requirements stipulated in the National Grading Syllabus. Garry Yamashita and Gord Okamura will present the nage no kata. (Kelly Palmer and Wes Enns will present the non-nage kata)
  3. Second, there will be a Tachi-waza / Ne-waza session where you will demonstrate your favourite Nage / Katame / Shime / Kansetsu technique. Then everyone will have time to practice. A separate email will be sent to each Competitive candidate asking you to select your “Tokui waza” or favourite technique.
  4. Attendance at the full day clinic and active participation is mandatory if you are to be successful in your yudansha grading. Pass or Fail results will be announced at the end of the day.
  5. All Judoka that are recommended by their Sensei must get their Grading Forms to Judo Canada for approval no later than July 14th, 2021.

B. Technical Stream Yudansha Candidates

  1. Your Yudansha Grading is scheduled for Saturday, September 25th, 2021 starting at 10 am at the Lethbridge Kyodokan Judo Club (2775 28 Ave S, Lethbridge, AB). All candidates must demonstrate the nage waza and katame waza as well as perform their kata at this traditional formal Dan grading.
  2. However, two kata will be presented on July 17 in Lethbridge to help you prepare for the September Grading. For you, July 17 is only for training purposes and is not part of the Yudansha Grading. This clinic will be held simultaneously during the Competitive Stream Nage no kata clinic.
  3. Note: The start time for Technical Stream kata has been moved from 10 am to 9 am Saturday morning.
  4. The Katame no kata will start at 9 am, and Kodokan Goshin Jutsu will start in the afternoon. You are welcome to attend both.
  5. Alternatively, you can join the Nage no kata clinic, especially if you will be going for shodan or nidan in September.
  6. The Dojo is available Sunday July 18 morning starting at 9 am to practice any kata you want.  No formal clinic is being held; however, Garry Yamashita will be there to help with any questions. This open mat opportunity is for any competitive, technical or interested judoka.
  7. No fees will be charged.
  8. All Judoka that are recommended by their Sensei must get their Grading Forms to Judo Canada for approval no later than September 14th, 2021.

Please note that any judoka (not necessarily yudansha candidates) may attend these kata sessions.

If you have any questions, please contact Gord Okamura at

Thank you

Joe Meli – AGB Chair

Judo Alberta Regional Training Camps (Edmonton July 9/Calgary July 10)

Judo Alberta Regional Training Camps (Edmonton July 9/Calgary July 10)

Hello everyone,

It has been a long time! Judo Alberta is proud to announce Regional Training Sessions in Edmonton and Calgary.

July 9, 2021 Edmonton – Tokugawa Judo Club, 7:00PM-9:00PM

July 10, 2021 Calgary – Hiros Judo Club, 5:00PM-7:00PM

The training session will focus more on technique and ne-waza randori.

Please contact me if you need to have any more information regarding these trainings.

Have a great day,

Ewan Beaton

Judo Alberta HP Coach



Technical Stream Yudansha Grading Notice

Technical Stream Yudansha Grading Notice

Hello Judo Alberta Members,

The Judo Alberta Grading Committee is pleased to announce that a Yudansha Grading for technical stream judoka is scheduled for Saturday September 25th, 2021 starting at 10 am at the Lethbridge Kyodokan Judo Club (2775 28 Ave S, Lethbridge, AB).

All Judoka that are recommended by their Sensei must get their Grading Forms to Judo Canada for approval no later than September 14th, 2021.

Technical stream candidates will be evaluated in accordance with the 2021 National Grading Syllabus. All candidates must demonstrate the nage waza and katame waza as well as perform their kata at the Grading.

In order to provide time to prepare for the September Grading, a clinic will be held simultaneously during the Competitive Stream Yudansha grading on July 17 in Lethbridge. This clinic will cover the basics of Katame no kata, Kime no Kata or Kodokan Goshin Jutsu; but is not for grading purposes. Technical stream candidates are asked to email Gord Okamura at by July 5th, stating whether you would attend the July 17th session and which of the three kata you would like to see. It is possible that two kata will be presented, based on the feedback. An update will be sent out once the selection is finalized.

To Yudansha Grading Candidates, in addition to Katame no kata, Kime no kata or Goshin Jutsu, you can attend the Nage-no-kata clinic on the 17th. Kata may also be offered on July 18 morning if interest is expressed. Please email your kata preference to Gord Okamura at by July 5th. Thank you. (Amended June 30, 2021)

If you attend the nage no kata clinic on July 17, it will be for training but not for grading purposes. Start time is 9am. Technical stream candidates will perform their kata at the Grading on September 25.

Details regarding the other kata for July 17 will be provided shortly.

Thank you,

Joe Meli – AGB Chair

Alberta Sport ConnectionNCCPOur Sponsors