
Referee Committee

  • Stephen Norris (Chair)
  • Erwan Goasdoue
  • Jennifer Parker
  • Ralph Vanwerkhoven
  • Wesley Enns

2023-2024 Referee Highlights

  • American Oceania Championships-Calgary, AB (Tammy Thornton, Jennifer Parker, Erwan Goasdoue, Ralph Vanwerkhoven, Steve Norris)
  • EJU Continental Cup-Berlin, Germany (Tammy Thornton, Jennifer Parker, Steve Norris)
  • Sudamericano Veterans, Cordoba, Argentina (Jennifer Parker, Steve Norris)
  • Panamerican Championships Rio, Brazil (Tammy Thornton)
  • 6 Judo AB referees (Jennifer Parker, Erwan Goasdoue, Jack Li, Ralph Vanwerkhoven, Wes Enns, Steve Norris) selected for the 2024 Judo Canada Open Nationals Championships
  • Panamerican Cup Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic (Jennifer Parker)

Categories of Referees

The provincial levels and Provincial “A:”, Provincial “B” and Provincial “C’ Candidates are expected to progress through each category starting at Provincial “C”. The level after Provincial “A” is National C.

Ref Path
Judo Alberta Referee Pathways

Referee Gradings

Referee gradings are held at designated tournaments. There is normally one Provincial “A” referee grading in the Spring and one in the Fall in each year. They are normally held one each in the northern and southern areas of the Province. The Provincial “B” and “C” evaluations are distributed in the same manner.

Notices will be published in the Newsletter and in the tournament invitations.

Special referee evaluations may be called from time to time at the discretion of the Chairman of the Referee Committee.


The Referee Committee will assign a minimum of two evaluators to conduct a referee grading. The evaluators will be at least National “A”.

Details for Evaluations Criteria and Requirements for National Grading can be found in the 4-05 Referee Evaluations and Promotions Policy

Interested in becoming a referee? Send an email to the Judo Alberta Referee Committee Chair for more information.


• Provide more opportunities to recruit certified Judo Alberta referees
• Increase the number of provincial level referees
• Increase the number of national level referees in the province
• High level clinics hosted in the province
• Referee policy
• Survey membership

Referee Resources

Upcoming Referee Events:

More details coming soon.

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