Red Deer Invitational – Results

Red Deer Invitational – Results


2019 Red Deer Invitational (Final)

Technical Package Download

Event Results

NCCP Dojo Assistant Course (Nov 29-Dec 1, 2019)

NCCP Dojo Assistant Course (Nov 29-Dec 1, 2019)

This Learning Experience prepares the participant to assist in delivery of judo practices for judo players of all stages of development, with an emphasis on participants under 13 years old. It is recommended that the assistant work under the supervision of a certified Instructor. Assistants under the age of majority must work under the direct supervision of a certified instructor.


  • Minimum age of 16.
  • Minimum rank of green belt with a working knowledge of the judo techniques included in the DA program and as identified by the Judo Canada Kyu syllabus.
  • Sterling Backcheck for all Candidates/coaches who are 18 years old and older via Sterling Agency – for details see: OR equivalent as such checks that are required by the Province/Territory. In cases where the Sterling agency is not used for this service, results of the Background Check must be communicated to Judo Canada to by the individual coach or their P/T offices.
  • Successful online completion of a “Respect in Sport for the activity leader” e-learning module available at


November 29, 2019                    5:30 pm – 10:00 pm

November 30, 2019                    8:30 am – 6:00 pm

December 1, 2019                       8:30 am – 1:00 pm

Location: Tolide Judo Club, 8700-84 Str., Ft. Saskatchewan, AB

To Register: Go to and select “The Locker” in the upper right side of the screen. If you have never registered with the Coaching Association before, select the “Don’t have an NCCP#? Create one now!”, otherwise enter your NCCP # or registered email address and password. Once you have logged in, select the Calendar at the top of the page and look for the Judo DA course on the above date. If you require help logging in, contact Garry Yamashita at (

2020 Judo Alberta Provincial Championships Hosting Application

Judo Alberta is now accepting bids to host the 2020 Provincial Championships on March 28, 2020. If your club is interested in hosting, please provide the following information to the Judo Alberta office in electronic form (via email c/o Nate MacLellan, Executive Director, no later than Friday October 25, 2019:

  • Club information for bidding club
  • Venue information (must have a minimum 3 mat areas plus a warmup area)
  • Seating capacity
  • Number of people available to volunteer and assist in running event
  • A list of previous events that your club has hosted
  • Host hotel information
  • Any additional information that might be helpful for the Executive Committee to make an informed decision

Kind Regards,


Nate MacLellan

Executive Director – Judo Alberta


Kodokan Goshin Jutsu Kata Clinic

October 26, 2019 (11:00AM- 4:00PM)
October 27, 2019 (9:00AM – 12:00PM)

Tokugawa Dojo, 9647-62 ave. Edmonton, AB

Registration Fee is $20 (paid at the clinic) payable to Judo Alberta
Please contact Keith Bibbey,, to confirm your attendance.
*Weapons will be provided

Kodokan Goshin Jutsu, forms of self-defense, was established in 1956 as a modernization of Kime-no-Kata.  The 21 techniques in the kata involves defenses from attacks ranging from simple grabs escalating to strikes and attacks with weapons (knife, stick, gun).

Instructors Keith Bibbey & Wesley Enns are 3 time national medalists in this form of kata and are excited to share their knowledge with the judo community.

Judo Alberta Winter Camp (December 13-15, 2019)

Judo Alberta Winter Camp (December 13-15, 2019)

Judo Alberta Winter Camp-Final

PDF Download

Judo Alberta Regional Training Camps October 11-12, 2019

October 2019 Regional Training Edmonton October 2019 Regional Training Calgary

BC Inter-Provincial Training Camp


Hello everyone,

Please find the trackie link for the BC Inter-Provincial Camp in Vernon, BC on September 27-29, 2019. This is always a great event with about 200 athletes participating from BC and Alberta. This is a great early season preparation and I encourage all athletes that will be competing at the 2019 Saskatchewan Open and the 2019 Eastern Tour in November to participate in this camp.
Friday, September 27th
4 – 6 pm Teams Arrive
7 – 9:30 pm Judo Everyone

Saturday, September 28th 
8 – 9 am Physical Training Everyone
9:30 – 11:00 am Judo Group 1
11 – 12:30 Judo Group 2
2:00 – 3:30 pm Coaches Workshop
3:30 – 5:30 pm Judo Group 1
5:30 – 7:30 pm Judo Group 2

Sunday, September 29th 
8 – 9:30 am Judo Group 1
9:30 am Bag lunches available for pick up
9:30 – 11 am Judo Group 2

Group 1 – U14, U16 & U18/U21/Senior Females -57kg – TBC
Group 2- U18, U21, Senior & Veteran Males and U18/U21/Senior Females +57kg – TBC

Trackie Link:


Have a great day,


Ewan Beaton

Judo Alberta HP Coach

2019 Saskatchewan Open – October 19-20, 2019

2019 Saskatchewan Open – October 19-20, 2019

2019 October Sask Open Technical Package Final

Technical Package Download


Judo Alberta Great Mrs. Florence Senda Passes Away

It is with great sadness and a sense of immense loss that the family of Florence Senda announces her passing on August 22, 2019 at the age of 93 years. She was born on April 14, 1926.

Florence is survived by her Children; Ron (Collette Oseen) Senda, Greg (Jane) Senda and Dawna (Giuliano) Coslovi, her Grandchildren; Deanna (John) Wolsey, Kathryn (Gray) Oseen-Senda, Mika Senda, Teio Senda and Dean Coslovi, and two Great Grandchildren; Shawny Senda and Theo Rybka-Senda. She is also survived by her siblings; Misae Masuda (sister) and Arthur (Pat) Hironaka (brother).

Florence was predeceased by her husband Yosh Senda and her daughter Mae.

Florence was a local girl born and raised in Raymond, Alberta. She married Yosh Senda in 1947 and together they raised their family in Lethbridge. Mom had strong roots in Southern Alberta and believed in actively giving back to the community by volunteering her time for various community organizations. She will be especially remembered for her many years at the Lethbridge Judo Club and was still practicing right up until her passing. She led a quietly independent life, spending the last 3 years living in the community at Garden View Lodge with her dog Roo.

People wishing to pay their respects can meet the Family on Thursday, August 29, 2019 from 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. at the Buddhist Temple of Southern Alberta, 470 – 40th Street South, Lethbridge.

Funeral Services will be held on Friday, August 30, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. at the Buddhist Temple of Southern Alberta with Ikuta Sensei officiating.

In lieu of flowers and koden, donations may be made to the “Dr. Yoshio & Florence Senda Scholarship Fund” at the University of Lethbridge, 4401 – University Drive W, Lethbridge, AB T1K 3M4.

2019-2020 Membership Registration Information

2019-2020 Membership Registration Information

Judo Alberta Membership,

IMPORTANT: All clubs need to be registered before October 15 along with a minimum of 10 members to not be charged $100 club fee by JC. Please use this registration link

Judo Canada registration/accident insurance expires August 31.  Therefore, it is imperative that on-line registrations and payment reach Judo Alberta on or before September 30, 2019.  Judo Alberta and Judo Canada registration fees are non-refundable once submitted on Trackie.



  • Online registration AND payment must both be received before members are properly registered and in good standing with Judo Alberta and Judo Canada. If both are not received, registrations are not valid which could disallow athletes participating in provincials, nationals, internationally, training camps or other related events.  Insurance coverage is also not in place for those members.
  • If a club or its members are not registered and wish to participate in a tournament/event, both the online registration and payment must be submitted a minimum of 14 days prior to that tournament/ event so Judo Canada membership cards can be generated.

CLUB INFORMATION – To be completed and submitted to the Registrar ( and Judo Alberta ( so Club information is up to date.  All Judo Alberta clubs are required to have their members sign a liability waiver.  For the safety of each club, be sure to have current members sign a waiver and ensure any new members thereafter also sign a waiver.  If you have any questions or need assistance creating a waiver, please contact the Judo Alberta office.

MEMBER INFORMATION – Each member can complete this form to assist the Club in completing Judo Canada’s online registration.  DO NOT send this form to the Registrar or Judo Alberta offices; it is strictly for club use. 

Encourage members who may be FNMI (First Nations, Metis, Inuit) or have a disability to indicate this on their form or on-line registration.  This information can assist in funding and programs.

PIPEDA & CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT – Each club member should complete this document.  The original is kept by the Club with access by Judo Alberta should the need arise.  A PIPEDA Agreement for members does not need to be completed each year; just once for as long as they are a member.  Judo Alberta only needs to be provided with a copy of the Exclusion List.

The Confidentiality Agreement needs to be completed by all club members who have access to personal information within the club structure. This would include the coaches and registrar, as well as any board members who have access to private contact or medical information. Time should be taken by the registrar and/or head coach to reinforce the importance of maintaining the privacy of all athletes, volunteers and coaches.

PROMOTIONS— Promotion form is to be filled out completely including qualified Examiner/Sponsor indicated.  Both this form and payment need to be received before Promotions will be registered and processed.  All Promotions must be registered with Judo Alberta; unregistered promotions could cause delays or fines (ie.  Shodan grading, tournament registrations, Nationals, Alberta Winter Games, Canada Winter Games, etc.).


Helen Bienert
Judo Alberta Registrar

Alberta Sport ConnectionNCCPOur Sponsors