Feb 2, 2021
Canada Winter Games: Where will you be in 2023?
Nov 19, 2020
On behalf of Judo Alberta and the Lethbridge Judo Club, it is with great sadness that we wish to inform you that Mr. Glen Seeman, Shodan, has passed away on Saturday November 14th, 2020 at the age of 68 years old. Glen was instrumental in getting the Lethbridge Judo Club’s free-standing building constructed. If it wasn’t for people like Glen Seeman this building would have never been built and with his time and financial contribution, Sensei Yoshio Senda’s dream became a reality. Glen was Vice-President of Finance and Regional Chair for Judo Alberta as well as President and long-time Board member of the Lethbridge Judo Club since 1980.
Glen graduated from Red River College as a Horologist (watchmaker) and worked in the Jewelry business for 20 years. He moved to the financial industry as a banker and took courses to eventually hold licenses as a Financial Advisor PFP, CPCA and retired in 2012. He was a past member of the Lethbridge Kinsmen Club for 20 years where he was fortunate enough to hold every executive position including two terms as President.
Glen will be sadly missed by the Lethbridge Judo Club and Judo Alberta. His contribution to Judo in Alberta and especially the Lethbridge Area will be forever lasting for years to come.
Oct 19, 2020
The Annual General Meeting of the Alberta Kodokan Black Belt Association (Judo Alberta) will be held virtually on November 29th, 2020 at 7:00 PM. Members must complete the AGM Registration Form by November 22nd, 2020 to confirm attendance.Meeting instructions will be distributed to everyone that is registered.
All signed Proxy Forms are to be collected by each club and submitted to the Judo Alberta Office (judo@judoalberta.com) no later than November 22, 2020 in order to validate each member.
Sep 21, 2020
Seasons cut short, training delayed, tournaments cancelled. Yes, things are different this year. Yet amid the ongoing uncertainty, coaches continue to find innovative new ways to engage and inspire their athletes and participants.
That’s why this year it’s more important than ever to say #ThanksCoach during National Coaches Week. Our annual campaign to acknowledge and celebrate Canada’s coaches takes place September 19-27. And even though we’ll all be maintaining our physical distance, you can still support the campaign through digital and social channels using the #ThanksCoach hashtag. Whether it’s via video chat, a coach appreciation event via web conferencing software, or a video message to your favourite coach, there are still many ways to participate!
Coaches inspire us to reach new heights both on and off the field. In this sixth annual National Coaches Week, we’re looking to achieve our most successful campaign yet!
Read on to learn more about what’s happening during the week, and how you can celebrate the coaches in your life!
Share your words of support, and the reasons why is extra important to say #ThanksCoach this year. Use the hashtags #ThanksCoach or #CoachesWeek to share on social media!
This September, we’ve teamed up with Decathlon Canada to support online education for new coaches by providing the introductory coaching module, NCCP Coach Initiation in Sport, for FREE!
Visit the Locker to check out all the free eLearning that CAC is providing for free during the week including; Safe Sport Training, NCCP Making Headway in Sport, NCCP Coaching Athletes with a Disability, and NCCP Emergency Action Plan (a key element of the NCCP Planning a Practice module).
Visit the National Coaches Week Event Calendar to add your own event, and learn more about events near you. Check with your local Provincial / Territorial Coaching Representative or Provincial / Territorial Aboriginal Sport Body, and sport organization to learn about any other discounted coach education available during the week.
Sep 10, 2020
The 2020-2021 Judo Alberta Registration Information is now available!
Please note that at this time Judo Alberta will not be hosting any events/competitions until further notice. Clubs are allowed to re-open and train but must be in compliance with the Judo Alberta Return to Play Guidelines.
REGISTRATIONS – Club and Member Registration link https://www.trackie.com/JudoAB/
Trackie registrations can be done by a Club Registrar or by individual club members. Clubs are responsible for all members who are registered and will be invoiced accordingly at the end of each month. Clubs will receive an invoice for the past month registrations.
Any questions or concerns, contact registrar@judoalberta.com or kellyt4d@telus.net.
Judo Canada registration/accident insurance expires August 31 each year. Judo Alberta and Judo Canada registration fees are non-refundable once entered into Trackie.
Online registration must be completed before members are properly registered and in good standing with Judo Alberta and Judo Canada. Unregistered members will not be allowed to participate in any Judo Alberta/Judo Canada or any international events.
CLUB INFORMATION – To be completed and submitted to the Registrar (registrar@judoalberta.com) and Judo Alberta (judo@judoalberta.com) to keep Club information up to date. All Judo Alberta clubs are required to have their members sign a liability waiver. For the safety of each club, be sure to have current members sign a waiver and ensure any new members thereafter also sign a waiver. If you have any questions or need assistance creating a waiver, please contact the Judo Alberta office.
MEMBER INFORMATION – Each member can complete this form to assist the Club in completing Judo Canada’s online registration. DO NOT send this form to the Registrar or Judo Alberta offices; it is strictly for club use.
Encourage members who are First Nations, Metis, Inuit or have a disability to indicate this on their form or on-line registration. This information can assist in funding and programs.
PIPEDA & CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT – Each club member should complete this document. The original is kept by the Club with access by Judo Alberta should the need arise. A PIPEDA Agreement for members does not need to be completed each year; just once for as long as they are a member. Judo Alberta only needs to be provided with a copy of the Exclusion List.
The Confidentiality Agreement needs to be completed by all club members who have access to personal information within the club structure. This would include the coaches and registrar, as well as any board members who have access to private contact or medical information. Time should be taken by the registrar and/or head coach to reinforce the importance of maintaining the privacy of all athletes, volunteers and coaches.
PROMOTIONS— Promotion form is to be filled out completely including a qualified Examiner/Sponsor. Both this form and payment need to be received before Promotions will be registered and processed. All Promotions must be registered with Judo Alberta; unregistered promotions could cause delays (ie. Shodan grading, tournament registrations, Nationals, Alberta Winter Games, Canada Winter Games, etc.)
Thank you,
Judo Alberta
Aug 19, 2020
Strength endurance as a foundation for muscle strengthening.
This is an excerpt from Training and Conditioning for Judo by Aurelien Broussal-Derval. In muscle strengthening, the work is primarily focused on the following:
Example (note that the recovery time between stages is less than 1 min 30 sec)
Phase 1: resistance band pull 2 × 10
Phase 2: loaded pull
2 × 10 repetitions at 40 percent of your load capacity. Alternate pulling between the right and left arms
2 × 8 reps at 50 percent. Pull quickly and release slowly
2 × 6 reps at 60 percent. Hold halfway through as you release the load
4 reps at 65 to 70 percent. You can add holds, change the tempo, and so on.
More than ever, the notion of progressiveness is key, whether during a session (from the warm-up onward) or the season (the pursuit of progress from one session to another, or from one cycle to another, is essential). The work must also be specific, both in terms of the exercises and the working angles, contraction methods, and strength attributes.
Nevertheless, this type of training can quickly become long and tedious, forcing us to be creative and break with the routines originating from bodybuilding and athletic strength. Varied work will therefore aim to provide a range of different contractions (see previous glossary), as well as different strength-development methods, types of muscle engagement (voluntary or via electrostimulation), and types of movement, enabling you to prepare the muscle for the different scenarios it will face.
Resumption Cycle FAQ
Should you wait before resuming judo and just start with a general physical training workout?
No. Judo is a sufficiently varied and adjustable discipline that the difficulty, quantity, and intensity can be adapted to the more limited resources of the fighter at that particular moment. Put plainly, you should start back with judo as soon as possible, modifying the physical and technical demands accordingly. The pursuit of quality doesn’t mean you should be looking to reproduce “the” move of the Olympics immediately, though!
I’m really overwhelmed physically. To get my spark back, I was thinking about doing some basic running work. Is that appropriate?
No, not if you have previously been training normally.Basic running work and other basic activities are most often associated with aerobic capacity effort, which is only useful for learning to appreciate and manage effort, weight regulation, adaptations of the central nervous system, or even recovery. In the case of a judoka who is resuming training, having previously trained seriously, it is best to opt for work that is divided into portions. It’s certainly more difficult, but it’s so much more effective! It’s also more fun if you pick an activity other than running, like one of the racket sports. Once again, progression is the priority.
Yes, if you’ve not trained seriously for quite some time. In this case, you will need to try to recover the main adaptations of the cardiopulmonary system that you’ve lost with the passage of time. Without those, short-term effectiveness is not achievable in intensity-focused training sessions. Here, resuming via a gradual cycle of continuous, low-intensity effort is an excellent idea.
Should the competitive judo squad consider a serious military-style resumption training camp?
It depends. When judokas get back from vacation, two scenarios may emerge: competitors who kept up with their training, even moderately, over the summer, and others who stopped all activities for several weeks. In both cases, an intense resumption camp would serve the dual purpose of team building and getting the group back into a training rhythm right away.
In the first instance, where fighters are not deconditioned, a development cycle with an increasing load (gradually increasing each week) would be particularly suitable.
In the second example, the technical focus of the camp should be on the basics, and it should be physically varied and very progressive. The idea is for the athletes to get their appetite back for the rhythm and intensity of effort, and to regain their fitness within one week.
I’m stiff as a board. Do you have any particular advice about stretching?
Yes, indeed. Stretching should be an integral part of the resumption program, from the first training session onward, first through passive flexibility exercises done on your own, and then through prolonged postural work. Pairs exercises and more advanced methods combining contractions and stretching should be scheduled for later in the season.
I feel as though I have fragile joints and muscles. Which exercises should I choose to strengthen and protect my body during bouts?
Recovering strength levels is a secondary concern. The priority during this period is to rebuild the fighter’s armor. This means strengthening structures locally that are traditionally fragile and susceptible to injury during the resumption period, such as the following:
Aug 5, 2020
Traditionally the Judo Alberta Annual Awards are announced at the Provincial Championships however due to the Covid-19 pandemic our judo season had come to a pause before we could recognize our athletes and volunteers for their successes and contributions throughout the 2019-20 season. Here are the 2019-20 Judo Alberta Annual Award Winners:
Athlete Awards:
Annual Awards: