
Judo Alberta Needs You to Volunteer

Judo Alberta Needs You to Volunteer

Judo Alberta has multiple volunteer positions that need to be filled. Please read the volunteer job description for the position you are interested in and complete the short survey at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/3CVSL63

  1. Secretary – Executive Committee
  2. Technical Committee Chair
  3. Sanction Officer – Technical Committee

If you have any questions, please contact Caleb Boorse at judo@judoalberta.com.

Kata Clinic – March 4-5, 2023

Kata Clinic – March 4-5, 2023

Mark your calendar!

The Judo Alberta Grading Board is pleased to announce that Gordon Okamura (National Kata Coach) will be leading a series of kata clinics for participants to sample various kata for interest. Key points and principles will be covered in each kata but the entire kata may not necessarily be shown. Questions will be addressed and critique will be provided. Weapons will be provided. These sessions are open to all interested judoka!        

Saturday March 4   
10 am – 1 pm Nage no Kata
1-2 pm – Lunch
2 pm – 5 pm Kodokan Goshin Jutsu
Sunday March 5      
9am – 12pm Katame no Kata
12 – 1 pm – Lunch 
1 pm – 4 pm Kime no Kata

Location: Victoria Sports Park 350E 100N, Raymond, Alberta T0K2S0

Registration: $35 – Register by clicking here.

If you have any questions, please contact Gord Okamura at gyokamura@gmail.com

2023 Judo Alberta Provincial Championship – Fort Saskatchewan Volunteer Sign Up

Tolide Judo Kwai will host the 2023 Judo Alberta Provincial Championship at the Dow Centennial Centre in Fort Saskatchewan.

The tournament will be on Saturday April 1, 2023, with set up, registration and weight in on Friday March 31.

We are looking for volunteers to help host the events. If you are interested, click on the link below and select tasks you would be able to help with either in Friday March 31 or Saturday April 1.


Self-Defence Certification Auto-defense

Judo Canada is proud to announce new dates for the Judo Canada Women’s Self-Defense Instructor Training Course.

This course is open to both men and women.

The objective of Judo Canada is to train instructors so that this new program can be offered everywhere in Canada: in judo clubs, in schools, in women centers, etc.

Here is the information about the training. The training program will take place in two parts:

1- Theory by videoconference (duration 4.5 hours) – December 18, 2022, 10:30am-3:30pm – Eastern Time
2- Seminar: In-person practice and evaluation (2 days – over a weekend):
Option 1 – February 10-11 – Lennox Island – PEI
Option 2- February 25-26 – Spruce Grove – AB
Option 3- March 11-12 – Montreal – QC

You can choose the location and date you wish to do the seminar. At this time, three dates will be available in three provinces, there will be additional seminars added throughout 2023

The fee is $75 to register for the theory portion. This includes the seminar.

*Please note that no refunds will be possible after completing the theory component or if you do not notify us 48 hours prior to the start of the webinar

Once all modules are completed, participants will be certified by Judo Canada. You will receive a diploma, theory booklet and free access to the practical videos. This training provides NCCP development points.

You must be a member in good standing of Judo Canada.

The training will be given by Daniela Krukower:  http://krukower.com/
To register, follow this link https://judocanada.org/auto-defense-certification/
If you have any questions please contact: mh.chisholm@judocanada.org

Upcoming Grant Programs to Keep an Eye On

Multiple grant programs are opening in the new year for you to explore for your judo club. For more informaiton on the different grant programs, please click on the links below.

Community Facility Enhancement Grant (small funding stream)
January 15

Community Initiatives Program 
January 15

Community Services Recovery Fund 
January 6 to February 21

Co-op Community Spaces Program 
February 1 to March 1

Jumpstart Community Development Grants 
February 13 to March 10

Judo Alberta’s New Executive Committee

Dear Members, Athletes, and Clubs,

Judo Alberta hosted their Annual General Meeting on November 20th virtually. Multiple items were discussed and important votes were made. Some of the highlights were a good fiscal year for 2021-2022, changes to the bylaws, and new executive committee positions. All of the information on this can be found in our 2021-22 Annual and AGM Report.

We would like to thank Trevor Hazell for his leadership and guidance over the last 6 years as President. The President can only serve for 3 consecutive 2 year terms. There have been many challenges faced by Judo Alberta and Trevor has led the organization through all of it. Trevor will continue on the Executive Committee as the Secretary.

With Trevor’s time as President coming to an end, that means Judo Alberta has a new President. We are pleased to welcome back a familiar name and face for his second go around as President, Kelly Thornton. Kelly previously served as President for 6 years from 2011-2017. Kelly has stayed active on the Executive Committee in multiple roles over the last 6 years, including treasurer and secretary. We are excited to see where Kelly takes Judo in the province of Alberta for his next term as President.

The full list of our new Executive Committee is:

Please feel free to reach out to any of the Executive Committee at any time.


Caleb Boorse
Executive Director



Judo Alberta has launched our Annual Christmas 50/50 Draw TODAY! Come and support our athletes journey to the 2023 Open National Championships in Montreal. 
100 tickets for $100.0020 tickets for $50.004 tickets for $20.001 Ticket for $10.00 
Buy tickets today and you can WIN BIG like previous winners Jim Karas ($2,650.00) & Judy Hazell ($3,755.00). You can be a WINNER TOO! Please support our Judo Alberta athletes today! 
This is the season for GIVING & WINNING! 

Raffle Link:


Draw Date: December 18, 2022

December 3 Black Belt Grading Applicants

To all December 3 Black Belt Grading applicants: Please advise Gord Okamura at gyokamura@gmail.com if you have or will apply on the Judo Canada application system, and the stream (technical or competitive) and for what rank by the November 18 registration deadline. Thank you.

Notice of the 2022 Judo Alberta Annual General Meeting

Please click here for the official notice of the 2022 Judo Alberta Annual General Meeting. The AGM will once again be held virtually on November 20th, 2022 at 3:00 PM via Microsoft Teams. Members must complete the AGM Registration Form by November 13, 2022 to confirm attendance. Meeting instructions will be distributed to everyone that is registered. 

Additionally, please click here for the Judo Alberta Proxy Form for those members who are unable to attend and wish to pass their vote to another member. All signed Proxy Forms are to be collected by each club and submitted to the Judo Alberta Office (judo@judoalberta.com) no later than November 13, 2022 in order to validate each member.

Special Resolution
A motion has been made for a special resolution to make some changes to the bylaws. Please read through the proposed changes here

If you could please distribute this information throughout your membership it would be greatly appreciated.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Caleb Boorse at judo@judoalberta.com

Judo Alberta Grading

Date : Saturday December 3, 2022
Time : 1:00 pm
Location : Hiro’s Dojo #115 – 1919  27AVE NE Calgary  
Please ensure candidates meet all the criteria specified in the National Grading Syllabus and have their Head Sensei’s approval.National Grading Syllabus: https://www.judocanada.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/National-Grading-Syllabus-1-January-2021-EN-1.pdf

All grading forms must be entered under the correct stream into Judo Canada no later than Friday, November 18th.
Judo Canada Grading Page:https://judocanada.org/grading/

Technical Stream Forms: https://judocanada.org/technical-stream/  

Competitive Stream Forms: https://judocanada.org/competitive-stream/

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Gord Okamura or Joe Meli, Grading Board Chair.

Alberta Sport ConnectionNCCPOur Sponsors