
Judo Alberta Winter Camp        December 15-17, 2023

Judo Alberta Winter Camp December 15-17, 2023

Guest Coach Arthur Margelidon, 2 x Canadian Olympian, Pan-American Champion, 13 x Medalist on the IJF World Judo Tour

Athlete Sign-up:

Coach Sign-up:

Judo Alberta Winter Camp Schedule

Friday December 15, 2023

6:00PM to 7:30PM Group 1 Fight Night
7:30PM to 9:00PM Group 2 Fight Night

Saturday December 16, 2023

8:30AM to 10:15AM Male
10:15AM to 12:00PM Female
3:00PM to 4:55PM Group 1
Group Photo
5:05PM to 7:00PM Group 2
Pizza 5:30PM to 8:00PM

Sunday December 17, 2023

8:30AM to 9:30AM Ne-waza Transition
9:45AM to 10:15AM Mental Toughness
10:30AM to 12:30PM Technical & Randori
  • Camp schedule is subject to change

Price: $55.00 

U14/U16/U21/SR – Orange belt & Higher / No cost for club coaches

Location: Lethbridge Judo Club:



  • Judo Alberta / Judo Canada Member
  • U12 Green Belt with Club Coach 
  • U14 Orange Belt with Club Coach
  • U16/U18/U21/SR/Veteran – Orange & above Judo Alberta
Judo Alberta Regional Training Sessions – Edmonton & Calgary

Judo Alberta Regional Training Sessions – Edmonton & Calgary

Judo Alberta Regional Training Camp Edmonton Area

Friday / Saturday November 04/04, 2023

Division: U14, U16, U18, U21, Seniors, Masters

Address for regional training camp locations:

Friday November 03, 2023 St. Albert Judo Club42C Riel Dr, St. Albert


Saturday November 04, 2023 Tokugawa Judo Club, 9647 62nd Avenue

8:30AM to 9:30AM – Uchi-komi & Fitness

10:00AM to 11:30PM – Technical, Drilling & NW Randori

Registration Deadline: Wednesday, November 01, 2023

Judoka who will participate in this Regional Camp are asked to register on Trackie:

Judo Alberta Regional Training Camp Calgary, Saturday, November 04, 2023

Division: U14, U16, U18, U21, Seniors, Masters

Address for regional training camp location:

Ishi-Yama Dojo

240 90 Ave SE, Calgary, Alberta (Acadia Recreation Complex)

Saturday November 04, 2023

Time: 3:30PM to 4:30PM – Uchi-komi & Drilling  

Time: 5:00PM to 7:00PM – Technical & Randori

Registration Deadline: Wednesday, November 01, 2023

Judoka who will participate in this Regional Camp are asked to register on Trackie:



  • Judo Alberta / Judo Canada Member
  • Minimum age U14
  • Minimum Level Green Belt / Orange Belt with Club Coach Attending

There is no cost for these training camps. These are great sessions to have your 2024 AWG hopefuls to have some hard training in preparation for the AWG trails. 

Sealed Bid Auction for 2012 Ford Escape XLT

We are hosting a sealed bid auction for a 2012 Ford Escape XLT. This well-maintained vehicle is in excellent condition and would make an ideal addition to any household.

Auction Details:

  • Vehicle: 2012 Ford Escape XLT
  • Description: Judo Alberta recently purchased a new vehicle for our High Performance Coach and are selling the previous vehicle in a sealed bid sale. The vehicle is a grey 2012 Ford Escape XLT AWD with 197,483 KM. There is some rust above the wheel wells and on the rear hatch. Please click the links for photos and a mechanical fitness assessment.
  • Minimum Bid: $3,000
  • Bid Submission Deadline: October 20th at 11:59pm
  • Auction Rules: The full rules of the Sealed Bid Auction of the 2012 Ford Escape XLT can be found here.
  • Bid online at…

We believe that the Judo Alberta community may have individuals who are interested in participating in this auction, and we wanted to extend an invitation to them. Your friends and family can find more information and detailed auction rules on our website

If you have any questions or would like to share this information through your official channels, please feel free to do so. We would greatly appreciate your support in spreading the word about this auction.

Should you have any inquiries or require additional information, please do not hesitate to reach out to

Notice of the 2023 Judo Alberta Annual General Meeting

Dear Members,

Please click here for the official notice of the 2023 Judo Alberta Annual General Meeting. The AGM will once again be held virtually on November 26th, 2023 at 3:00 PM via Microsoft Teams. Members must complete the AGM Registration Form by November 12, 2023 to confirm attendance. Meeting instructions will be distributed to everyone that is registered.

There are 5 executive committee positions available. Please email to find out more and with your interest. 

Additionally, please click here for the Judo Alberta Proxy Form for those members who are unable to attend and wish to pass their vote to another member. All signed Proxy Forms are to be submitted no later than November 25, 2023 in order to validate each member.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.

Thank you!

Please note, the original notice is out of date. Our proxy form is available until November 25th.


Edmonton Area Kata

Nage no kata / Grading Preparation Sessions

Purpose: To provide assistance to anyone interested in getting ready for the
December Black Belt Grading. The focus audience is Shodan and Nidan
candidates but instructors or any interested in nage no kata or gradings
are invited.

When: Tuesdays from starting from October 3 to October 24 at 6:30-8:30pm.
Each session will build on the previous one.
Where: Tokugawa Dojo, 9647-62 Avenue, Edmonton

i. Explanation of grading process
ii. Basics of Nage no kata (3 and 5 sets)
iii. Suggestions on demonstrating waza
iv. Judo knowledge information
If less time is needed over the four weeks, then we can move to
other katas. These sessions would be informal (not for points).

Presented by: Gord Okamura, National Kata Coach and Provincial Grading Committee member

Contact: Gord Okamura email address:

Sunday Kata

Join the Tolide Judo Kwai in Fort Saskatchewan every Sunday from 3:00-4:30pm for a devoted Kata practice, with several knowledgeable and champion Kata practitioners there to assist.

EYJS Monthly Tournaments

The Society’s focus is the development of people through the sport of Judo; and, the growth of Judo through tournament participation. EYJS monthly tournaments are limited to lower ranks (yellow-5K to green-3K belts) and associated training camps to develop and grow these individuals.

These events are also training grounds for referees, time/score/draw keepers. Please register for each tournament below:
October 7, 2023 – Online Registration
November 4, 2023 – Online Registration
December 2, 2023 – Online Registration
January 6, 2024 – Online Registration
February 10, 2024 – Online Registration
June 8, 2024 – Online Registration



Hello everyone, 

Judo Alberta will be offering early in season regional training sessions in Edmonton and Calgary. Please share this information with judoka who have the goal of attending the 2023 Vernon Camp, MB Open, Eastern Tour and 2024 Open Nationals. These camps will help lay a foundation for the busy early season.


Friday September 22, 2023 @ St. Albert Judo Club, 42C Riel Dr, St. Albert


Saturday September 23, 2023@ Tokugawa Judo Club, 9647 62nd Avenue, Edmonton

8:30AM to 9:30AM – Uchi-komi & Fitness

10:00AM to 11:30PM – Technical, Drilling & NW Randori

Registration Deadline: Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Judoka who will participate in this Regional Camp are asked to register on Trackie:


Hiro’s Judo Club

 #115 1919 – 27th Avenue, Calgary, Alberta

Saturday September 23, 2023

Time: 3:30PM to 4:30PM – Uchi-komi & Drilling  

Time: 5:00PM to 7:00PM – Technical & Randori

Registration Deadline: Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Judoka who will participate in this Regional Camp are asked to register on Trackie:

2023-2024 Judo Alberta Calendar of events:

2024 Open Nationals Selection/Funding Criteria

Have a great day, 

Ewan Beaton

Judo Alberta HP Coach 

2023/24 Schedule of Events


2023/24 Schedule of Events

2023-2024 Judo Alberta/Judo Canada Fees

Please see our 2023/2024 Judo Alberta and Judo Canada Fees.


Judo Alberta Elite Athlete Funding – April-August 2023

Judo Alberta Elite Athlete Funding – April-August 2023

The Judo Alberta HP Coaching Committee would like to congratulate the following athlete who have been granted elite athlete funding.  Funding is based on performance, results, commitment to training, participation in National or International events and financial need. The coach committee nominated the following athletes for this round of elite athlete funding for costs incurred from events participated in from April 2023 to August 2023.  

April 2023 to August 2023
Name National & International Events Judo Club Funding
Loic Beaton Cadet World Lethbridge  $     900.00
Marianna Karas Cadet World Kodokwai  $     900.00
Habib Said Mohammad Cadet World Kodokwai  $     900.00
Marla Batbayar Cadet World Lethbridge  $     900.00
Kiera Westlake Dominican & Peru PJC Cups Lethbridge  $     600.00
Charlize Medilo Junior Summer European Tour Lethbridge  $     600.00
 $  4,800.00

The Judo Alberta Elite Funding will be sent to the athlete’s home judo clubs not directly to the athletes.


Judo Alberta High Performance Committee

Alberta Sport ConnectionNCCPOur Sponsors