Apr 3, 2020
Safe Sport Training E-learning: What you need to know
As of April 1, 2020, all sport organizations in Canada receiving funding from Sport Canada must mandate safe sport training to everyone under their immediate authority.
The new CAC Safe Sport Training eLearning module meets these requirements. It was created by a CAC Task Force comprised of experts in sport, training, and prevention to align with the values within the new Universal Code of Conduct to Prevent and Address Maltreatment in Sport (UCCMS).
The free, 90-minute module will equip your coaches, administrators, and volunteers with the knowledge to recognize, address, and prevent maltreatment in sport. In addition, the CAC has created tools and resources to help you embed Safe Sport principles throughout your organization.
Safe Sport Training is available in both official languages, meets accessibility guidelines, and works on any platform or device. Certified coaches will earn two Professional Development points upon completing the module.
Creating a sport culture where everyone can thrive is everyone’s responsibility. Safe Sport Training developed by the Coaching Association of Canada helps you play your part. Learn more about Safe Sport Training from the CAC at our new dedicated microsite or access the module directly in the Locker