
Upcoming Gradings

Date: Saturday June 7, 2025
Time: 10:00 am  
Location:  Tolide Judo Club, Dow Centennial Centre, 8700-84 Street, Fort Saskatchewan

Note: times may change depending on number of Technical and Competitive stream candidates registered

  1. All candidates for Competitive and Technical stream must enter their application into the on-line system no LATER than April 24, 2025.
  2. Refer to the Judo Alberta website for information about black belt grading and the National Grading Syllabus. Please note that the 2021 Grading Syllabus will be followed for the June Grading.
  3. Candidates should obtain their head instructor’s approval before making the application. Both have a responsibility to ensure the information entered is accurate and verified. 
  4. Shodan candidates have the responsibility of ensuring their ikkyu (brown belt) registration date agrees with the Judo Alberta registrar’s records (as evidenced by the Judo Alberta Certificate of Promotion). Contact the Judo Alberta Registrar if any questions.
  5. All candidates must have a Judo Canada passport and bring it to the grading. If you need to order a passport, then go to  

No electronic recording during any Yudansha grading session. However, grading sessions are open to the public.

Grading Committee

  • Allan Sattin (Grading Board Chair)
  • Joe Meli
  • Gord Okamura
  • Brian Fujimoto
  • Garry Yamashita

Judo uses a progression system to promote participants who have attained specific skill and knowledge proficiencies. This progression is tracked using different colours of belts. The progression system is divided in two:
•Kyu Grades (White to Brown)
•Dan Ranks (Black)

The Kyu grades are White, White-Yellow, Yellow, Yellow-Orange, Orange, Orange-Green, Green, Green-Blue, Blue, Blue-Brown & Brown. These levels are designed to progressively learn the judo techniques and culture. The Kyu grades are defined in the Kyu Grading Syllabus and are managed by the clubs throughout Canada.

The Dan ranks include the 10 degrees of the Black belt: Shodan, Nidan, Sandan, Yondan, Godan, Rokudan, Shichidan, Hachidan, Kudan & Judan. These levels are designed to perfect judo techniques and to help develop the culture. The Dan ranks are defined in the Dan Grading Syllabus and are managed by the Provincial/Territorial Grading Committees as well as Judo Canada’s Grading Committee.

Please see Grading Process for an explanation of the steps involved in the grading process.



More details on Yudansha Grading Process are available here.


Canadian judoka graded to a Dan Grade by Judo Canada, may request recognition and a diploma from foreign organizations through Judo Canada

•Kodokan Certificate – to obtain this certificate please complete the following Excel form – Kodokan Grading Form (see Judo Canada Grading Forms) and return it to Judo Canada office at :

*Be aware that the Kodokan standards for Dan Grades are different that Judo Canada’s and not all grades granted by Judo Canada will be recognized by the Kodokan Institute. Your application for Kodokan recognition will be reviewed by the Kodokan designated representative in Canada and only once these are approved, they will be processed by Judo Canada office. Kodokan certification fees must be paid to Judo Canada at the time of application. Kodokan fees will be refunded to the candidates whose application are refused by the Kodokan. Judo Canada fees are non-refundable.
•IJF/PJC certificate – to obtain this certificate please download the IJF Dan Grade Syllabus, fill in the request form (last two pages) and return to Judo Canada:

Competitive Stream Black Belt Points

To all Competitive stream candidates: Please note that points are only available at the following list of events (see National Team Handbook)

  1. Senior Elite Nationals  
  2. Senior Open Nationals 
  3. Canada Cup Senior 
  4. Senior Quebec Open 
  5. Senior Ontario Open  
  6. Open Nationals 
  7. Senior Edmonton International 
  8. Senior Pacific International 
  9. Canada Cup Junior 
  10. Cadet PanAm/Oceania Championships 
  11. Senior Saskatchewan Open 
  12. Senior Eastern Canadian Championships 
  13. Senior Manitoba Open 
  14. U21 Quebec Open 
  15. U21 Ontario Open 
  16. Canada Cup Cadet 
  17. U18 Elite Nationals  

Mudansha Certificate Process

The Mudansha Certificate Policy outlines the process for recognizing and issuing certificates to practitioners of judo who have achieved kyu ranks. This policy ensures consistency and standardization across Alberta’s judo community. The new processes is:

Complete the Application Form Below

Clubs are required to submit to the Judo Alberta Registrar using the approved form below with: a) the full name of the individuals b) the date of promotion c) promotion color

Each club will be supplied with a pdf formatted template of each mudansha promotion certificate. Clubs will print their required promotion certificates by adding name/date/club name/Instructor.

Submit Supporting Documents and Request Judo Alberta Promotion Certificate Seal

Clubs will request by email to the Judo Alberta Registrar ( for a specific number of Judo Alberta promotion certificate seals. Each Judo Alberta promotion seal will cost $5.00. The requested Judo Alberta Promotion seals will be sent to the club for application to promotion certificates. Judo Alberta Registrar will track the number of promotion seals provided to each club. These will be invoiced during the Judo Alberta scheduled invoicing timelines.

Certificates are Processed and Validated

Judo Alberta Registrar will validate the individual promotions and confirm promotion status back to the club. Judo Alberta Registrar will have the ability to track the number of Judo Alberta promotion seals and confirm promotions. Judo Alberta Registrar will update promotions within the Judo Canada Trackie registration site.

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