
Judo Alberta Coach Education Session: Survive & Then Thrive

Judo Alberta Coach Education Session: Survive & Then Thrive

Hello everyone,

Judo Alberta is excited to hold a coach education session on Saturday February 27, 2021 @ 1:30PM (MT). The goal of the session will be to provide ideas and strategies to help rebuild judo in your area and in your judo club.

Judo Alberta Coach Education Session: Survive & Then Thrive https://www.trackie.com/online-registration/register/survive-then-thrive/468705/

The presenter of the session will be Peter Gardiner from Sportif Scotland. Peter has a wealth of judo developmental/ marketing knowledge and is happy to share some of his thoughts and ideas on how judo can “Survive & Then Thrive” during and post covid-19.

The session will attempt to be an interactive; Peter wants to hear your concerns about rebuilding judo in your club. The deadline has been set for February 19, 2021 so we can provide each participant with an information package and questionnaire prior to the session in efforts to lay a foundation of learning during the presentation.

Cost: The session is FREE / Donation. Judo Alberta is suggesting each coach donate $10.00 to help support the expenses associated with the session.


Peter Gardiner, Sportif Judo Scotland

Peter Gardiner was recognized as one of the best junior coaches in the world when he was invited by IJF Education and Coaching Director Yasuhiro Yamashita to take part in the ground-breaking DVD Coaching Judo to Juniors he later produced the smash hit 101 Judo Games with fighting films.

• Currently Head Coach Sportif Judo

• Currently Coach Educator British Judo

• Professional Judo Coach – 45 years

• Formally National Coach Denmark

• Formally Director of Coaching Judo Scotland • Former National Dev.

Manager British Judo


This event will be worth NCCP PD points. (it is important that coaches gain PD points to maintain their NCCP certification level)

Judo Alberta will be opening the session to the other provinces / judo clubs in Canada because we truly are in this together and we will need to work together to rebuild. (Member of Judo Canada)

Mark Down on you calendar: On March 27, 2021 Judo Alberta will be hosting a Coach / Athlete session with Jimmy Pedro (USA) on mental toughness and visualization.

If you have any questions please contact me anytime

Ewan Beaton

Judo Alberta HP Coach

Return to Judo Guidelines (Updated February 8, 2021)

Return to Judo Guidelines (Updated February 8, 2021)

Hello Judo Alberta Members,

The Government of Alberta has lifted some Covid-19 restrictions effective February 8th that allows judo to resume in some capacity.

As a result, Judo clubs will be able to offer in person one-on-one training (all athletes) and “mini” group training (only for athletes 18 years of age and younger) however there are some strict measures that must be followed.

To ensure the safety of our membership we have made updates (in bold text) to section 4.1 in the Return to Judo Guidelines:

4.1 Private Training Sessions (Updated February 2, 2021):

Private Individual Sessions:

  • Athlete can participate in individual conditioning and individual judo exercises led by a coach
  • Athlete can participate in strength training sessions led by a coach at the dojo
  • The instructor assigns one area per participant (1 person/8m2). This will become their designated training space throughout the session.
  • Participants bow with 3 metres physical distancing or in their designated area (1 person/8m2)
  • Sessions must be scheduled by appointment. No drop-in or groups allowed. (Amended Feb 2, 2021)
  • Coaches must wear a mask during the session; participants are not required to wear a mask during exercise. (Amended Feb 2, 2021)
  • More than one coach and client ‘pair’ (ex: 3 athletes and 3 coaches) are allowed into the facility so long as: (Amended Feb 2, 2021)
  • Each coach and client stays 3 metres away from all other trainers and clients at all times, including in entryways and exits.
  • Each coach can only interact with their assigned client, and each client can only interact with their assigned coach.
  • No interaction between clients or between coaches is allowed.
  • No ‘cycling through’ multiple coaches as in circuit training.

Exercises Permitted:

  • These sessions can involve judo elastics, foot work, judo exercises, hops, ropes, shadow uchi-komi

Private Multi-Person Sessions (Household Members Only):

  • Athletes who have multiple people in a single household can participate in judo training led by a coach.
  • Athletes who have multiple people in a single household can participate in strength training sessions led by a coach at the dojo.
  • The instructor assigns one area per participant (1 person/8m2). This will become their designated training space throughout the session.
  • Participants bow with 3 metres physical distancing or in their designated area (1 person/8m2)
  • Sessions must be scheduled by appointment. No drop-in or groups allowed. (Amended Feb 2, 2021)
  • Coaches must wear a mask during the session; participants are not required to wear a mask during exercise. (Amended Feb 2, 2021)
  • More than one coach and client ‘pair’ (ex: 3 athletes and 3 coaches) are allowed into the facility so long as: (Amended Feb 2, 2021)
  • Each coach and client stays 3 metres away from all other trainers and clients at all times, including in entryways and exits.
  • Each coach can only interact with their assigned client, and each client can only interact with their assigned coach.
  • No interaction between clients or between coaches is allowed.
  • No ‘cycling through’ multiple coaches as in circuit training.

Exercises Permitted:

  • The sessions can involve crash mats, uchi-komi, technical development, ne-waza technique, drilling, kumi-kata training, randori

Mini Group Sessions – Athletes 18 years of age and under ONLY (Amended Feb 8, 2021):

  • Athletes 18 years of age and younger can participate in group conditioning and group judo exercises led by a coach. (Maximum group size is 10 people, including the coach)
  • Athletes 18 years of age and younger can participate in group strength training sessions led by a coach at the dojo (Maximum group size is 10 people, including the coach)
  • Group Options:
  • Single Athlete: 9 athletes with 1 coach physically distanced (3m). Non-contact activities only.
  • Family Practice: Athletes from the same family household can participate in contact activities. (Ex: 3 groups of 2 from a same family, 1 group of 3 from the same family and a coach. All groups are physically distanced from each other. Family members only have contact with their family.
  • Individual Sessions: Individual sessions are still able to continue with a coach.
  • The instructor assigns one area per participant where 3m safe distancing can be met. This will become their designated training space throughout the session.
  • Participants bow with 3 metres physical distancing or in their designated area.
  • Sessions must be scheduled by appointment. No drop-in or groups allowed. (Amended Feb 2, 2021)
  • Coaches must wear a mask during the session; participants are not required to wear a mask during exercise. (Amended Feb 2, 2021)
  • More than one group (Ex. 2 groups of 10 people) is allowed into the facility at the same time so long as: (Amended Feb 8, 2021)
  • The facility has enough space to maintain safe 3m distancing at all times (Ex. 10 people per mat area). If the dojo cannot support this capacity, group sizes must be reduced to meet a safe 3m distancing.
  • Each coach and client stays 3 metres away from all other trainers and clients at all times, including in entryways and exits.
  • Each coach can only interact with their assigned client(s), and each client can only interact with their assigned coach.
  • Physical interaction between clients, coaches or groups is NOT permitted. Only household family members are permitted to physically interact with each other.
  • No ‘cycling through’ multiple coaches as in circuit training.

Exercises Permitted (With members from the same household):

  • The sessions can involve crash mats, uchi-komi, technical development, ne-waza technique, drilling, kumi-kata training, randori.

Length of Private Judo Sessions:

  • 1 Hour = 45-minute training session/ 15-minute cleaning transition

All sanitization and screening protocols outlined in Phase 4 are enforced.

A detailed plan of activities must be included in the club Return to Judo guidelines and submitted to the Judo Alberta Office.

For more information on the provincial update please visit https://www.alberta.ca/enhanced-public-health-measures.aspx#restrictions for more details.

Operate at Your Comfort Level

*It is important to note that clubs can operate in any phase currently permitted by Judo Alberta. Some clubs may wish to only do 1 on 1 sessions instead of the mini group sessions. These guidelines are consistent with what is permitted by the provincial government at this time so they must be respected at all times.

If you have questions please do not hesitate email judo@judoalberta.com

Judo Alberta


Judo Alberta Return to Judo Guidelines (Updated February 2, 2021)

Canada Winter Games: Where will you be in 2023?

Canada Winter Games: Where will you be in 2023?


Blue Wave Athlete Profile: Taylor Althouse

Blue Wave Athlete Profile: Taylor Althouse


Volunteer Profile: Denise Morgan

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Remembering Glen Seeman of the Lethbridge Judo Club

Remembering Glen Seeman of the Lethbridge Judo Club

On behalf of Judo Alberta and the Lethbridge Judo Club, it is with great sadness that we wish to inform you that Mr. Glen Seeman, Shodan, has passed away on Saturday November 14th, 2020 at the age of 68 years old. Glen was instrumental in getting the Lethbridge Judo Club’s free-standing building constructed. If it wasn’t for people like Glen Seeman this building would have never been built and with his time and financial contribution, Sensei Yoshio Senda’s dream became a reality.  Glen was Vice-President of Finance and Regional Chair for Judo Alberta as well as President and long-time Board member of the Lethbridge Judo Club since 1980.

Glen graduated from Red River College as a Horologist (watchmaker) and worked in the Jewelry business for 20 years. He moved to the financial industry as a banker and took courses to eventually hold licenses as a Financial Advisor PFP, CPCA and retired in 2012. He was a past member of the Lethbridge Kinsmen Club for 20 years where he was fortunate enough to hold every executive position including two terms as President.

Glen will be sadly missed by the Lethbridge Judo Club and Judo Alberta. His contribution to Judo in Alberta and especially the Lethbridge Area will be forever lasting for years to come.

Notice of the 2020 Judo Alberta AGM

Notice of the 2020 Judo Alberta AGM

The Annual General Meeting of the Alberta Kodokan Black Belt Association (Judo Alberta) will be held virtually on November 29th, 2020 at 7:00 PM. Members must complete the AGM Registration Form by November 22nd, 2020 to confirm attendance.Meeting instructions will be distributed to everyone that is registered.

Proxy Forms

All signed Proxy Forms are to be collected by each club and submitted to the Judo Alberta Office (judo@judoalberta.com) no later than November 22, 2020 in order to validate each member.


  1. Approval of the agenda (Any concerns or issues by the general membership should be mentioned now so they may be added to the agenda (item #5).
  • Approval of the minutes from the 2019 Annual General Meeting.
  • Business arising from the minutes of the 2019 Annual General meeting.
  • Reports of the Executive & Committees:
    • President
    • Treasurer/Financial Statement
    • High Performance Coach
  • New Business
    • Covid-19 Update (membership, resources, return to play)
  • Elections
    • President
    • VP of Admin
    • Secretary

2020 AGM Report

Meishu Monday Featuring Paul Hachey



Join us to celebrate National Coaches Week!

Join us to celebrate National Coaches Week!

Seasons cut short, training delayed, tournaments cancelled. Yes, things are different this year. Yet amid the ongoing uncertainty, coaches continue to find innovative new ways to engage and inspire their athletes and participants.

That’s why this year it’s more important than ever to say #ThanksCoach during National Coaches Week. Our annual campaign to acknowledge and celebrate Canada’s coaches takes place September 19-27. And even though we’ll all be maintaining our physical distance, you can still support the campaign through digital and social channels using the #ThanksCoach hashtag. Whether it’s via video chat, a coach appreciation event via web conferencing software, or a video message to your favourite coach, there are still many ways to participate!

Coaches inspire us to reach new heights both on and off the field. In this sixth annual National Coaches Week, we’re looking to achieve our most successful campaign yet!

Read on to learn more about what’s happening during the week, and how you can celebrate the coaches in your life!

Share your words of support, and the reasons why is extra important to say #ThanksCoach this year. Use the hashtags #ThanksCoach or #CoachesWeek to share on social media!

This September, we’ve teamed up with Decathlon Canada to support online education for new coaches by providing the introductory coaching module, NCCP Coach Initiation in Sport, for FREE!

Visit the Locker to check out all the free eLearning that CAC is providing for free during the week including; Safe Sport Training, NCCP Making Headway in Sport, NCCP Coaching Athletes with a Disability, and NCCP Emergency Action Plan (a key element of the NCCP Planning a Practice module).

Visit the National Coaches Week Event Calendar to add your own event, and learn more about events near you. Check with your local Provincial / Territorial Coaching Representative or Provincial / Territorial Aboriginal Sport Body, and sport organization to learn about any other discounted coach education available during the week.

2020-2021 Judo Alberta Registration Information

2020-2021 Judo Alberta Registration Information

The 2020-2021 Judo Alberta Registration Information is now available!

Please note that at this time Judo Alberta will not be hosting any events/competitions until further notice. Clubs are allowed to re-open and train but must be in compliance with the Judo Alberta Return to Play Guidelines.

REGISTRATIONS – Club and Member Registration link https://www.trackie.com/JudoAB/

Trackie registrations can be done by a Club Registrar or by individual club members.  Clubs are responsible for all members who are registered and will be invoiced accordingly at the end of each month.  Clubs will receive an invoice for the past month registrations.

Any questions or concerns, contact registrar@judoalberta.com or kellyt4d@telus.net.

Judo Canada registration/accident insurance expires August 31 each year.  Judo Alberta and Judo Canada registration fees are non-refundable once entered into Trackie.


Online registration must be completed before members are properly registered and in good standing with Judo Alberta and Judo Canada.  Unregistered members will not be allowed to participate in any Judo Alberta/Judo Canada or any international events.

CLUB INFORMATION – To be completed and submitted to the Registrar (registrar@judoalberta.com) and Judo Alberta (judo@judoalberta.com) to keep Club information up to date.  All Judo Alberta clubs are required to have their members sign a liability waiver.  For the safety of each club, be sure to have current members sign a waiver and ensure any new members thereafter also sign a waiver.  If you have any questions or need assistance creating a waiver, please contact the Judo Alberta office.

MEMBER INFORMATION – Each member can complete this form to assist the Club in completing Judo Canada’s online registration.  DO NOT send this form to the Registrar or Judo Alberta offices; it is strictly for club use.

Encourage members who are First Nations, Metis, Inuit or have a disability to indicate this on their form or on-line registration.  This information can assist in funding and programs.

PIPEDA & CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT – Each club member should complete this document.  The original is kept by the Club with access by Judo Alberta should the need arise.  A PIPEDA Agreement for members does not need to be completed each year; just once for as long as they are a member.  Judo Alberta only needs to be provided with a copy of the Exclusion List.

The Confidentiality Agreement needs to be completed by all club members who have access to personal information within the club structure. This would include the coaches and registrar, as well as any board members who have access to private contact or medical information. Time should be taken by the registrar and/or head coach to reinforce the importance of maintaining the privacy of all athletes, volunteers and coaches.

PROMOTIONS— Promotion form is to be filled out completely including a qualified Examiner/Sponsor.  Both this form and payment need to be received before Promotions will be registered and processed.  All Promotions must be registered with Judo Alberta; unregistered promotions could cause delays (ie.  Shodan grading, tournament registrations, Nationals, Alberta Winter Games, Canada Winter Games, etc.)

Thank you,

Judo Alberta

Alberta Sport ConnectionNCCPOur Sponsors