Mar 8, 2018

UPDATE: Tuesday March 6th
- Training session
- Referee sessions
- Dress for Success & acceptance
- Live broadcasting
- Regional Time change
WE are moving the training session timeline at the West Edmonton Mall venue from 2pm to 3 pm Friday due to flight issues associated with Travis Stevens. As you may know, Travis is a resident of Boston and is flying in from Boston with a team, and the flight times makes a 2pm start impossible.
Additionally, we have had substantial feedback from incoming coaches and athletes, outside of our original age band (u16 & below), that they would like to participate. To accommodate this, and the potential increased participation, we are adding two additional international competitors to our instructor list to assist with this instructional oriented session. Jospi Tenzera, 90 kg and Marco Kumric, 100kg will also be on the mat Friday afternoon. These active and tournament participating judoka are members of Croatia’s national team, have a strong judo pedigree, and have demonstrated considerable success in the European circuit. They will provide a Euro perspective to Judo in the training session which I’m sure the additional interested participants will enjoy. All Instructors/coaches coming are welcome and encouraged to participate in this Friday afternoon event.
The Referee sessions are a two part event Friday.
Our VI session conducted by Dr. Gary Berliner IBSA Pan American Referee Commissioner and committee member of the IJF IBSA Commission, is a limited participation program that begins at noon Friday and will require transport to a dojo. Those interested in attending must contact Tammy Thornton Judo Alberta Chairperson at and cc Brian Fujimoto Judo Canada Referee Committee member at so that appropriate transport can be arranged to accommodate all present registered participants and those interested in registering now.
The Referees Symposium is to be held at the Executive Inn, a host hotel of our event. It will start at 7pm Friday and will include both referees and coaches interested in fully understanding the new 2018 IJF Contest Rules. Please be on time. It will be a seated seminar format with a small mat area for presentation as required. Dr Berlinger will be a guest speaker and part of the panel. The panel, of considerable talent and experience, will handle all questions and would welcome pre-submission questions on the rule changes to ensure appropriate detailed responses. Please forward those questions to Brian Fujimoto, Judo Canada Referee Committee member at
Dress for Success & Acceptance
We just need to reconfirm that all referees and coaches are cognizant of the dress requirements at events of this nature.
For Referees:
Dress code Men: formal suit (jacket, trousers, shirt and tie
Dress Code Women: jacket, trousers/skirt/dress, blouse
And formal shoes for both.
Coaches are permitted to wear team tracksuit of Provincial, State, or National affiliation.
Live Broadcasting
The Edmonton International Judo Championship is a National A event and an important tournament in our Canadian National Circuit Program. Accordingly, the tournament will be broadcast live over the internet by Judo Canada for all interested parties both within and outside of Canada. To access the multi camera live four mat broadcasting we direct you to Please share this with you appropriate club and regional members to ensure their ability to watch their fellow competitors and family members.
Regional Time change
Edmonton is subject to DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME and the clocks regionally will roll ahead one hour effective at 2am Sunday morning. All competitors, coaches, and support staff must understand this and be prepared for an 8am start time Sunday morning which will feel like an hour earlier.
Thank you for your attention to this long and detailed update, the organizing committee is very interested in your complete satisfaction with your Edmonton International Judo Championship experience, hence our ongoing and continual communication with you. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me by email.
Mark K. Hicks
Tournament Director
By judoab