2015 U of A Invitational Judo Championships


Saturday October 17, 2015


Dow Centennial Centre, 8700-84 St, Fort Saskatchewan, AB


Kata Competition at 8:00am
Shiai at 8:30am

Weigh Ins:

Friday October 16, 2015 from 6:00pm-8:00pm at the Dow Centennial Centre


Veterans – 3 minutes
Senior Men – 5 minutes
Senior Women – 4 minutes
U21 Junior Men/Junior Women – 4 minutes
U18 Cadet Men/ Cadet Women – 4 minutes
U16 Juvenile Men/ Juvenile Women – 4 minutes
U14 Male/ Female – 2 minutes
U10 & U12 – 1.5 minute non-stop matches; possible mixed gender

All documentation and payment must be received by October 10, 2015

For more registration information please see the tournament technical package.

Please click here to view the tournament registration form.

Provincial Training Camp September 26-27, 2015

Division: U14, U16, U18, U21, seniors, Masters


11-1300 Physical Testing
1300-1430 Lunch
1430-1600 Technical Judo Training
1730-1930 Judo Randori


800-900 Physical Training
900-945 Break
945-1145 Judo Review/ Randori
1145-1230 Info session (Parents and coaches encouraged to attend)

Address for training camp:

Lethbridge Judo Club
2775 28 Ave S, Lethbridge, AB T1K 7L6

Please bring running shoes and exercise clothing.

The info session held Sunday after the camp is very beneficial for athletes, parents and coaches to understand team policy and expectations for the next season.

Ewan Beaton HP Judo Alberta Coach
Phone: (306) 370-7412
E-mail: e.beaton.judo@gmail.com

Elite Athlete Funding Announcement

The Judo Alberta Coaching Committee would like to congratulate the following athletes who have been granted athlete funding. Funding is based on performance and results, commitment to training, participation in National or International events and financial need.


Darren Elcock

($800.00) EJU Jr World Cup Hungary & Training Camp, EJU Jr. World Cup Poland & Training Camp

Hana Varsaniyi

($700.00) Summer National Camp, Cadet World Championships

Tanner Sudo

($700) Summer National Camp, Cadet World Championships

Virginia Nemeth

($700) Summer National Camp, Cadet World Championships

Erin Morgan

($500.00) Spring National Camp, El Salvador Cup

Taeya Koliaska

($300.00) Summer National Camp

These athletes applied for the third round of elite athlete funding for events participated in from April 2015- August 2015. Not included is National Championships, which is funded separately by the Coaching Committee budget.
The next round of funding will be announced in November for events participated in from September 2015 to December 2015.

Athletes must apply to receive elite athlete funding.

*Some athletes applied for this round and were applying for National championship, please see Team selection policy for provincial team funding to National championships *

To receive the funding please fill out an athlete expense claim form and attach the invoices for these events and send in to Laurie Wiltshire (laurie@judoalberta.com) When filling out expense claim form please indicate who you want cheque written out to and where to send it (Judo club, Judo Canada, Parents, etc…) You can find athlete expense claim forms here:

Athlete Funding Expense Claim Form

Judo Alberta Registration 2015-2016

NOTE: All paperwork and payments for Registrations and Promotions must be sent to Helen Bienert at 53529 Range Road 224, Ardrossan, AB T8E 2L8. DO NOT send them to Judo Alberta’s office.

• Deadline for registration and fees is September 30, 2015

• Club membership spreadsheet AND payment must both be received before registrations will be processed. Until received, registration with Judo Alberta and Judo Canada are not valid which could disallow athletes participating in provincials, nationals or international events, training camps or other related events.

• If a club or its members are not registered by the deadline and wish to participate in a tournament/event, registration and payment must be received a minimum of 7 days prior to that tournament/event. Registrations will not be processed at a tournament/event site.


– Need to be completed and submitted to the Registrar so accurate Club and contact information is posted on Judo Alberta’s website and can be given to phone inquiries at Judo Alberta’s office. Every Judo Alberta affiliated club is required to provide their own waivers for each member to sign. For the safety of each club and its members, be sure to have current members sign a waiver form and incorporate a waiver system when new members join. If you have any questions or need assistance creating a waiver form please contact the Judo Alberta office.


– Each member completes this form to assist the Club in completing Judo Canada’s spreadsheet for submission to Judo Alberta. This form does not get sent to the Registrar or Judo Alberta offices; it is kept for club use and reference.

Club registrars are to ensure its club member information is accurate (ie. spelling of names, addresses, phone numbers, birth dates, emails, etc.). It is imperative that this information is accurate and up to date as this is the only way Judo Alberta has to contact members.


– Each club member needs to complete this document. The original is kept by the Club with access by Judo Alberta should the need arise. A Pipeda Agreement does not need to be completed each year; just once for as long as they are a member. Judo Alberta needs to be provided with a copy of the Exclusion List.


— Promotion form needs to be filled out completely including qualified Examiner or Sponsor signature. Both this form and payment need to be received before Promotions will be processed. All Promotions must be registered with Judo Alberta; unregistered promotions could cause delays or problems in future promotions, Shodan grading, tournament registrations, Nationals, Alberta Winter Games, Canada Winter Games, etc.

To view the Judo Alberta registration fees please click here.

All Judo Alberta forms can be found at https://judoalberta.com/index.php/registration/

Helen Bienert
Judo Alberta Registrar

Elite Athlete Funding Announcement

The Judo Alberta coaching staff has released the Elite Athlete funding application.
This application is for funding for Judo Alberta/ Judo Canada events that have taken or will take place between: April 1st- August 31st, 2015

*Priority funding:
1) Senior Athletes attending International Events
2) U21 Athletes attending International Events
3) U18 athletes attending International Events
3) Senior athletes attending Elite 8/ National Camp/ Pacific International
4) U21/U18 athletes attending Elite 8/ National Camp/ Pacific International*

The elite athlete funding is for athletes in age divisions U18, U21, and Senior that our travelling out of province for tournaments or training camps at a national or international level.
The Judo Alberta coaching staff is allocating $3700.00 towards this part of the season for elite level athletes. The whole funds may or may not be completely used depending on the number of applicants and events.

Applying for this funding does not guarantee that funds will be issued to you. The coaching staff are looking for athletes that have shown dedication to their own judo training, tournament participation, and training camp participation. Also the coaching staff is looking for athletes that are planning for future goals in the sport. Please see a list of example tournaments that we will fund on the Elite athlete funding policy.

The coaching staff do want the athletes to have full support from their personal coach/ head sensei/club before applying for funds.

The deadline to apply for this round of funding is Monday August 24th, 2015

To view the Elite athlete Funding Application please click here.

Please submit funding applications to Laurie Wiltshire: laurie@judoalberta.com

Thank you
Judo Alberta Coaching Staff

2015 Western Canada Summer Games

Congratulations to our athletes who competed this weekend at the 2015 Western Canada Summer games in Wood Buffalo, AB.

The official draws are in. Please see below:

Day 1 August 8, 2015
Day 2 August 9, 2015
Day 3 August 10, 2015
Combined Draws August 8-10, 2015

Click here to view the results from the weekend.

Judo Saskatchewan Summer Camp

Big group from Judo Alberta at Sask summer camp this week. All athletes worked really hard and learned lots. Very happy coach!

Judo Alberta High Performance Coach
Laurie Wiltshire

St. Albert Summer Camp 2015

To view the Camp Registration Form please click here .

Judo Alberta Coaches Retreat

Dear Judo Club Sensei,

The Judo Alberta Coaching Staff would like to offer a Club Coaches Retreat on September 12-13, 2015. We hope to use this time to provide you, the club sensei, with the time to understand and become familiar with the Judo Alberta Team Selection Policy and any other Coaching Policies of interest. Furthermore, we would like to have the opportunity to share the goals of the Coaching Committee and the training program being used with your team athletes. This Retreat will be a combination of on mat activities as well as off-mat seminars. Judo Alberta will cover the cost of one night hotel room for coaches outside of the Edmonton area. As well, Judo Alberta will cover the registration fee for the dojo-shu (chief instructor) or his designate. The registration fees will help cover the costs to host the event. The event will conclude with a Coaches Appreciation Dinner (covered by Judo Alberta) where we will have time to relax and socialize. Together we can develop a strong Team Alberta for the next three Nationals in Calgary (and beyond!!)

Please fill in the questionnaire below and email it back to Garry Yamashita at gee_why2@yahoo.com. If you have question or concerns in any area of the Coaching committee, please add it in the comments section at the end.

To view the questionnaire please click here .

If you could please distribute this memorandum to anyone who might be of interest it would be much appreciated.

Thank you very much.

Kind Regards,

Judo Alberta Coaching Committee

2015 Junior Olympic National and International Championship Results

Congratulations to Team Alberta on a great performance at the 2015 Junior Olympic National and International Championships in Irving, Texas.

Here are the results from the weekend:


-48kg Virginia Nemeth 1st
-57kg Brette Poliakiwski 1st
-63kg Hana Varsanyi 1st
-70kg Keira Trotter 1st
-60kg David Wu 3rd
-73kg Dawson Mandel 3rd
-81kg Tanner Sudo 1st


-57kg Brette Poliakiwski 1st
-57kg Alexandra Gagnon 2nd
-63kg Hana Varsanyi 1st
-70kg Jordan Landry 1st
-70kg Keira Trotter 2nd
-60kg Vladislav Degtiarev 2nd
-81kg Tanner Sudo 2nd

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