Upcoming NCCP Clinics:

Judo Alberta NCCP Dojo Assistant/Dojo Instructor Courses

Judo Alberta will be holding NCCP Dojo Assistant and Dojo Instructor courses on April 25-27, 2025 in Calgary.  Register online in the Locker at using your NCCP credentials.  Don’t have an NCCP number yet?  Simply go to the website, click the red icon at the top right (The Locker) and then at the login screen press the “Don’t have an NCCP#? Create one now!” link to get started. Once you have logged into the Locker, look for the calendar at the top of the page and find the judo courses on this date.   

  • Date: April 25-27, 2025
  • Location:  Hiro’s Judo Club 
    • #115 1919-27th Avenue NE, Calgary, AB T2E 7E4  
  • Time:
    • DA course: Friday 9:00am – 6:30pm Saturday 9:00am – 12:00 pm 
    • DI course: Saturday 9:00am – 7:00 pm Sunday 9:00am – 5:00pm
  • Cost:
    • DA course $285
    • DI course $360
    • Combined DA/DI course $545
  • Registration: All registrations must be completed in the Locker
  • Registration deadline:   April 18, 2025


This Learning Experience prepares the participant to assist in the delivery of judo practices for judo players of all stages of development, with an emphasis on participants under 13 years old. It is recommended that the assistant work under the supervision of a certified Dojo Instructor. Assistants under the age of majority must work under the direct supervision of a certified Dojo Instructor.


  • Minimum age of 16.
  • Minimum rank of green belt with a working knowledge of the judo techniques included in the DA program as identified by the Judo Canada kyu syllabus.
  • Sterling background check for all candidate coaches who are 18 years old and older via Sterling Agency – for details see:
  • OR equivalent if such checks are required by the Province/Territory. In cases where the Sterling agency is not used for this service, results of the background check must be communicated to Judo Canada to by the individual coaches or P/T offices.
  • Successful online completion of the “Respect in Sport for the activity leader” e-learning module available at

Note 1: The background check and Respect in Sport modules may be completed after the course.  


The “Instructor” course provides the participant with knowledge to instruct technical, physical, and mental, social and other aspects of judo. The course prepares the participant to be a club instructor responsible for providing judokas with the basic physical literacy skills with emphasis on children under the age of 14, judo skills as described in the Judo Canada syllabus, and to introduce young judokas to competition. 


  • Minimum age of 18.  
  • Minimum rank of brown belt with a working knowledge of the judo techniques included in the Judo Canada kyu syllabus. 
  • Trained DA or Trained Community Coach. 
  • Sterling background check for all candidate coaches who are 18 years old and older via Sterling Agency – for details see:
  •  OR equivalent if such checks are required by the Province/Territory. In cases where the Sterling agency is not used for this service, results of the background check must be communicated to Judo Canada to by the individual coaches or P/T offices. The Backcheck is required only if the check done for the DA was done more than 3 years earlier.  
  • Successful online completion of a “Respect in Sport for the activity leader” e-learning module available at for all candidates who did not complete this module in the past.  

Please contact Garry Yamashita (Judo Alberta, NCCP Chair) with any questions.

Complete Dojo Assistant Course – Oct 26, 27, 2024
Congratulations to our future certified NCCP coaches who completed the Dojo Assistant course in Edmonton on October 26, 27, 2024. The course was presented by Gord Okamura and Maija Merivirta and focused on Ethical Decision Making and Teaching and Learning Fundamentals.

Back: Andrii Podshyvalkin (Ishi Yama)/ Kalysta Pratch (Tolide)/ Jordan Boothman (Tolide)/ Shane Dauphinee (Tolide)/ Justin White (Airdrie)/ Ethan Deeg (Tokugawa)/ Jason Porter (Tokugawa)/ Victor Nica (Niten)

Front: Maija Merivirta (Tolide)/ George Wu (Tokugawa)/ Polina Skrynnikova / Gordon Nish (Grande Prairie)/ Aaron Martin (Red Deer)/ Kohen Johnson (Tokugawa)/ Anna Prus-Czarnecka (Kodokwai)/ Aida Shima (Kodokwai)/ Gord Okamura (U of A)

NCCP Update:

Feb 11, 2021

Hello Judo Alberta Members,

Please be aware that Alberta Sport does not list all NCCP courses on the Coaching Association Locker unless it is getting close to the registration due date and it is still not full.  All of their sport modules are posted on the link below.  This is important for coaches who were “transitioned” from the old NCCP system to the new one as they need to complete the Making Ethical Decisions (MED) module and do the online MED evaluation.  Here is the link to the Alberta calendar.

Furthermore, coaches are not supposed to register for multi-sport courses in other provinces unless they get approval from the Alberta Sport NCCP coordinator.

Thank you,

Judo Alberta

Professional Development

For coaches looking for professional development opportunities, there are a number of free webinars/e-learning course available on the NCCP website.  Please log in at to see the available courses and to check on your certification status.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact Keith Bibbey –  (NCCP Chair for Judo Alberta) or Garry Yamashita – (NCCP Committee member and Coach Developer for Judo Canada).

NCCP Recall

Dear Coaches,

This memo is to remind all coaches active in the judo community, that as per the Coaching Association of Canada policy, any NCCP certification granted in Canada will expire on the fifth anniversary unless the coach accumulates the required Professional Development (PD) points. For details please see pages 20 and 21 of the NCCP policy:


Where do you find when your certification expires?

In the LOCKER in your profile/ certification tab you will see:

HOW TO EARN PD points?

All the PD activities must be recorded in the LOCKER.

  • Self directed activities must be recorded by each coach in their own LOCKER profile page where the “self-report” button is available in the “certification” tab (see the picture above).    NOTE: the annual coaching is a self directed activity worth one point per year and must be reported in the LOCKER each year.  The LOCKER will not accept retroactive reporting.
  • Any Nationally or Provincially/Territorially sanctioned PD activity (coaching clinic –  i.e. seminars for coaches delivered by invited experts, instructor clinic – I.e. kata seminars, etc.) will be recorded in the LOCKER by a designated NCCP facilitator who has access to the LOCKER.  These activities must be approved for the PD points by Judo Canada in advance of such activity being conducted.  No retroactive approval will be granted.
  • Any organized by the CAC (both in person or on-line) courses or seminars -i.e. the Sport Leadership Symposium are automatically reported in the LOCKER and award PD points.
  • Any organized by Judo Canada NCCP activities are automatically recorded in the LOCKER and award PD points.

What if you do not have enough PD points on the date of certification expiry?

If coaches choose to remain active , then their two options to be recertified will be either to take the course again or challenge the evaluation.  Judo Canada course and evaluation fees will apply as per the NCCP policy – see page 31: HTTP://WWW.JUDOCANADA.ORG/WP-CONTENT/UPLOADS/2011/05/2017AUGUST-NCCP-POLICY-EN.PDF


NCCP Committee

  • Chair – Garry Yamashita
  • Allan Sattin
  • Gord Okamura
  • Laurie Wiltshire

Where Do I Fit?–s15433

Frequently Asked Questions

NCCP in Judo

The National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) in Judo is the result of a partnership between Judo Canada and the Coaching Association of Canada. This program enables participants to learn both in a classroom setting and on the mat what it means to be a coach/instructor in judo. The NCCP is the recognized national standard for coaching in Canada.

You will find more information about the National Coaching Certification Program(NCCP) Policy here:

The Competition Development Coach NCCP technical course is now delivered by Judo Canada to eligible and interested candidates. A summary overview of this course is available here:

Professional Development (PD) – As of January 2014 a registry of the Professional Development activities will be offered via the CAC Locker Database. Courses that are qualified as PD activities will be registered in the Database and automatically update coaches profiles. It becomes a duty of certified NCCP facilitators to enter the data in the system. It is the responsibility of Provincial/Territorial judo associations to publish a list of available activities. The general information on what qualifies as PD activity, you find in Judo Canada’s NCCP policy on page 16.

As of January 1st, 2014, all coaches who are currently certified in the CAC Database (regardless of whether the certification is in the OLD NCCP (level 1 through 3) or the new NCCP – Assistant; Instructor and Competition Development Coach), will have 5 (five) years to accumulate the minimum required number of points to have their certification standards automatically renewed for a further 5 years. Please visit page 15 of the NCCP policy to determine the number of points you need to accumulate to have your certification renewed automatically. The renewal will take place automatically on the fifth anniversary of the start day.

To learn more about Maintenance of Certification, visit: Maintenance of Certification webpage on linking to all pertinent information including FAQs

Judo Canada’s Nutrition On-Line Module

At this time, all members of Judo Canada are welcomed to use this tool free of charge. This module is based on the generic NCCP nutrition manuals, however it has been enhanced with information specific to judo that should be used by coaches, athletes and parents.

NCCP Resources

Alberta Sport ConnectionNCCPOur Sponsors