Kata in Alberta!

Here are some of the exciting activities related to kata in Alberta. Please encourage participation.

  1. Judo Alberta Website:  There is a Kata section where information about kata can be found https://judoalberta.com/index.php/kata/ 
  2. Kata Tuesdays: In-person and online weekly sessions were held in October, November and January. Videos of these session can be found on the JA website.
  3. Resources to support and develop kata teams: Funding to reimburse kata entry fees for A or B events (max 2 kata per event) and training videos are available. Clubs just need to let the Provincial Kata Committee (email: gyokamura@gmail.com) know of their kata teams (open to all ages but does not include kodomo no kata). 
  4. Kata at EYJS Monthly Tournaments: Kata teams of any rank and any age have the opportunity to demonstrate kata at the Monthly Tournament. This is a great opportunity in a low-pressure setting. After the demonstration, judges provide teams with feedback. Gift cards totalling $50 will be drawn again among the registered team at the EYJS February Monthly. The January winners were David Wu and Alex Gagnon. The February winners were Kalysta Pratch and Finn MacDonald.
  5. Compete at the Edmonton International kata championships: March 7 – Register at https://edmontonjudo.com/events/2025-edmonton-kata 
  6. Opportunity to certify kata judges: Certification Clinic on March 6 – Register at https://registration.judocanada.org/event/2025KataClinic-Certification 
  7. Resources to support kata judges: Funding support (for clinic fees) will be provided to any Alberta kata judge who becomes successfully certified. Videos are available to study beforehand. Congratulations to Franz Lennarson and Tammy Thornton who were certified in Goshin Jutsu in October.
  8. Compete at the 2025 Judo Alberta Provincial Championships: March 29 – Register at https://registration.judocanada.org/register/2025-judo-alberta-provincial-championships-athlete-registration/1001275/ Please note that this event will be one of the many considerations taken in order to be eligible for the 2025 National Kata Championships occurring on May 15 in Calgary.
  9. Nage no kata after provincial training camp – April 13 Fort Saskatchewan from 12:30 to 4:30 pm.  This session is open to all but is aimed at new shodan candidates (Technical and Competitive Streams).  Register at: https://registration.judocanada.org/event/nage-no-kata-clinic/1001349/
  10. Kata /Grading Clinic (Nage no kata) – May 4 Lethbridge. The focus will be on helping candidates prepare for the June grading (including teaching nage no kata, insight into the grading process, examples of demonstrating newaza, feedback on their nage no kata and other kata performance). Register at: https://registration.judocanada.org/event/nage-no-kata-grading-clinic/1001350