Judogi Single Leg ON-OFF Competition Challengers

Challenger #1: Mike Horley – Judo Sask HP Coach

Mike Horley, Judo Saskatchewan HP coach ties Ewan Beaton of Judo Alberta with a time of 1:24 and a polite English judo kit tie up! Congratulations!

Challenger #2: Christa Deguchi – World Champion/Judo AB Members

Christa Deguchi, World Champion/Judo Alberta member with an assist from her cat beats Ewan Beaton’s time with a time of 1:19s with a perfect judogi & belt tie! šŸ¤Žthe RED patch! Congratulations! #judo @JudoCanada

Challenger #3: James Miller – Judo Ontario HP Coach

James Miller, @JudoOntario HP Coach beats Ewan Beaton’s time with a time of 1m6s but picks up +10second penalty for illegal belt! I see a PINK belt in the future James! Congratulations! #judogichallenge#judo

Challenger #4: Jeremy Le Bris (Judo BC HP Coach)

Jeremy Le Bris, @OfficialJudoBC HP Coach beats Ewan Beaton with a time of 42sec but picks up +30sec time violation for illegal judogi, not fully tying of pants and poor replacement of judo belt! Congratulations!

Challenger #5: Gord Okamura (U of A Judo Club)

Gord Okamura, Canadian Kata Legend/U of A judo club coach beats Ewan Beaton with a time of 1m8s. Multiple angles/multiple katas. Kata training pays off ! Congratulations!

Challenger #6: Laurie Wiltshire (Judo AB/ Hiro’s Judo Club Coach)

Laurie Wiltshire, Judo AB/Hiro’s Judo Club Coach, beats Ewan Beaton with a time of 1:06! All those CJC ZOOM training sessions are making a difference. Congratulations!

Challenger #7: Elmar Aliyev (Judo AB Athlete)

Elmar Aliyev representing next generation of Judo AB athletes beats E.B. Judo AB time with a time of 50s but is given +20Sec for illegal pants and wrong belt return placement. Showing your AZE strength! Congratulations!