Jun 8, 2020
Judo Alberta Outdoor Training Activity Guidelines
Hello Judo Alberta Members,
I hope that you are all staying safe and healthy during this time.
While we are starting to see an improvement in the amount of Covid-19 cases across the province of Alberta, the Government of Alberta is starting to slowly allow certain businesses and services to re-open as per the Alberta Relaunch Strategy. A large part of this is from Albertan’s, including Judo Alberta members, cooperating and following social distancing measures during this time, so thank you!
You may have noticed the Government of Alberta recently released the “Guidance for Organized Outdoor Sport, Physical Activity and Recreation” document which will allow for certain sport groups/organizations to resume limited physical activity outdoors while ensuring all social distancing and health and safety measures are met. As per the document, Judo Alberta is pleased to release the “Judo Alberta Outdoor Training Activity Guideline” in addition to a “Screening Checklist” template for member clubs to follow and implement with their own members.
All Judo Alberta member clubs are to comply with these guidelines along with any recommendations from the Government of Alberta to ensure the safety of its members.
We are currently working collaboratively with Judo Canada and the Provincial Government to create Return to Play Guidelines that can be used for when we are permitted to re-open dojos. A draft should be released sometime next week.
In the meantime, please stay safe and inform Judo Alberta of any activities they are planning to organize outdoors.
If you have any questions please contact judo@judoalberta.com
Judo-Alberta-Outdoor-Training-Activity-FINAL Screening-ChecklistJudo Alberta Outdoor Training Activity Guidelines (pdf)
Screening Checklist Template (pdf)
Photo by Martin Moreno on Unsplash