Judo Alberta June 7, 2025 Yudansha Grading

Date: Saturday June 7, 2025
Time: 10:00 am  
Location:  Tolide Judo Club, Dow Centennial Centre, 8700-84 Street, Fort Saskatchewan

Note: times may change depending on number of Technical and Competitive stream candidates registered

  1. All candidates for Competitive and Technical stream must enter their application into the on-line system https://judocanada.org/grading/ no LATER than April 24, 2025.
  2. Refer to the Judo Alberta website https://judoalberta.com/index.php/grading-kata/ for information about black belt grading and the National Grading Syllabus. Please note that the 2021 Grading Syllabus will be followed for the June Grading.
  3. Candidates should obtain their head instructor’s approval before making the application. Both have a responsibility to ensure the information entered is accurate and verified. 
  4. Shodan candidates have the responsibility of ensuring their ikkyu (brown belt) registration date agrees with the Judo Alberta registrar’s records (as evidenced by the Judo Alberta Certificate of Promotion). Contact the Judo Alberta Registrar if any questions.
  5. All candidates must have a Judo Canada passport and bring it to the grading. If you need to order a passport, then go to https://judocanada.org/judo-canada-passport/  

No electronic recording during any Yudansha grading session. However, grading sessions are open to the public.