
Judo Alberta Female Leadership Grants

Judo Alberta Female Leadership Grants

Who: Female judoka, members in good standing of Judo Alberta, seeking leadership opportunities. We wish to remove the financial barrier.

What: Appropriate program funding could include NCCP training, attendance at a gender equity summit, Canadian Women in Sport conference, referee seminars

When: Awarding grant funding would be ongoing throughout the judo season, or until funding is depleted. 

How: Applicant would create a proposal for the Women’s Committee (email is sufficient) describing the event and expense. If approved, the applicant submits expense claim and receipts to Women’s Committee to receive funding. 

Contact Jennifer Parker for more details:

Judo Alberta Regional Training Camp

Judo Alberta Regional Training Camp

Regional Training Camp Edmonton

Friday / Saturday September 16-17, 2022

Division: U14, U16, U18, U21, Seniors, Masters

Address for regional training camp location:

Tokugawa Judo Club

9647 62nd Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta

Friday September 16, 2022

Time: 6:00PM to 8:00PM – Tachi-waza Technical Session

Saturday September 17, 2022

Time: 9:00AM to 11:00AM – Ne-waza Technical Session & Ne-waza Randori

 Registration Deadline: Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Judoka who will participate in this Regional Camp are asked to register on Trackie:


There is no cost for the training camp

Ewan Beaton HP Judo Alberta Coach              

Phone: (403) 892-6099      E-mail:

2022 Judo Alberta Coach Retreat – September 17-18, 2022

2022 Judo Alberta Coach Retreat – September 17-18, 2022

2022 Judo Alberta Coach Retreat

Judo Alberta is gathering ours coaches together for the first time in three years to look at where we are now and where we want to go to in the next couple of years.

We will have both class room session and on mat technical sessions for Judo Alberta Coaches. We will be covering a variety of subjects in the class room and presenting dynamic teaching methods and ideas on the mats.

There will be no cost for this session. Judo Alberta would like to have a minimum of two coaches per dojo attending the sessions.


Judo Alberta Elite Athlete Funding

2023 Open National Selection Criteria

2023 Open National Selection Criteria

Please contact Judo Alberta HP Coach Ewan Beaton if you have any questions:

Casino Volunteers Needed for October 16 & 17!

Casino Volunteers Needed for October 16 & 17!

Judo Alberta will be hosting our 2022 Casino Fundraiser on October 16th and 17th at the Grand Villa Casino in Edmonton. 

Come to Edmonton and volunteer a shift or two to help us raise money for the organization. We are currently looking for volunteers for both days.

You can view all of the volunteer opportunities here.

For more information or if you have any questions, please contact Caleb Boorse at

For certain positions we may require you to fill out a volunteer form with AGLC.

Western Female Referee Summit

Western Female Referee Summit

Crowsnest Pass, AlbertaAugust 22-24th, 2022

Provinces across Canada are collaborating to offer a New Female Referee Summit in different locations across the country.

This event is for female judoka interested in learning about refereeing, no referee experience necessary.

Judo Alberta, Judo Saskatchewan, and Judo Manitoba are pleased to provide the Western Summit in Crowsnest Pass, Alberta, from August 22-24, 2022.

This session will be facilitated by Jennifer Parker from Judo Alberta, Kim Bergey Kaip from Judo Saskatchewan, and Sonia Christ from Judo Manitoba.

Female judoka U16 to Senior, orange belt or higher are welcome to attend this event. The summit will cover referee expectations and responsibilities, tatami situations, and best practices in a female-only environment. There will be classroom sessions, hiking in the Rocky Mountains, tatami sessions and some time to socialize and ask questions in a relaxed atmosphere.

Cost is $75.00 and includes accommodations and meals.

Please register by July 31, 2022. Maximum registration for this event is 20 judoka. First come, first served.

Trackie Site Registration:

Please direct questions to your provincial representative.

Jennifer Parker:
Kim Bergey Kaip:
Sonia Christ:

Judo Alberta Athletes Newsletter

Judo Alberta Athletes Newsletter

Please find a copy of the June 2022 Judo Alberta Athlete’s Newsletter at this link:

Judo Alberta’s athletes representative interviews a number of the top performers at the 2022 Open National in Montreal. (May 2022)

Judo Alberta Summer Camp

Judo Alberta Summer Camp

Judo Alberta US Open Camp / CWG Identification Camp, July 8-10, 2022

Division: U14, U16, U18, U21, seniors, veterans

Address for training camp: Lethbridge Judo Club, 2775 28 Ave S, Lethbridge, AB T1K 7L6

Friday July 08, 2022

7:00PM to 9:00PM – Technical & Randori Session

Saturday July 09, 2022

8:30AM to 9:30AM – Fitness (Running shoes & outdoor clothing)

10:30AM to 12:00PM – Drilling & Ne-waza Randori Session

4:00PM to 6:00PM – Technical & Tachi-waza Randori Session

Sunday July 10, 2022

8:30AM to 9:30AM – Judo Fitness / throwing practice

10:00AM to 12:00PM – Judo

Trackie Site:

Note: Clubs/Judoka/Provincial teams are welcome to stay longer and join regular club/RTC training from July 11 to July 17, 2022


  • Judo Alberta / Judo Canada Member
  • Green Belts & above /Orange Belt if Club Coach is in attendance
  • Minimum age U14

CWG: This training camp one eligibility events linked with the Canada Winter Games Selection Criteria. Please find all details regarding the CWG criteria on the Judo Alberta website:

For further information contact Ewan Beaton, Judo Alberta HP Coach:

Judo Alberta Kata Clinics Series: May 28th and 29th, 2022 – Hosted by Barracuda Judo Club

Judo Alberta Kata Clinics Series: May 28th and 29th, 2022 – Hosted by Barracuda Judo Club

The Judo Alberta Grading Board is pleased to announce that Gordon Okamura and Wesley Enns will be leading a series of kata clinics, covering Kodokan Goshinjutsu, Katame No Kata, Nage No Kata, and Ju No Kata.

Registration: $30 at the door for 1 kata session. $40 for 2 – 4 sessions.

Contact: Jennifer Parker at for more information

Location: Barracuda Judo Club, 1373 B Hunter Street, Pincher Creek, AB. Inside of Total Balance Health, next to Riteline Electric


Saturday May 28 10am – Noon 1pm – 3pm Kodokan Goshinjutsu (weapons will be provided) 3:15pm – 6:15pm Katame No Kata

Sunday May 29 9am – 1pm Nage No Kata 2pm – 6pm Ju No Kata

Alberta Sport ConnectionNCCPOur Sponsors