
Referee & Introductory Referee Seminar Registration – Florence Senda

Please see the link below for registering as a referee for the Florence Senda tournament being held at the Lethbridge Judo Club , 2775 28 Ave S, Lethbridge, AB T1K 7L6, on Saturday November 23rd. The referee meeting details will be confirmed with the registered referees. Steve Norris will be the head referee for this tournament.

Note: An introductory Referee Seminar will be available if there is interest, Friday, November 22nd, @7 PM upstairs at the Lethbridge dojo. This will be for anyone interested in starting down the referee pathway, who has not previously attended one of our introductory referee seminars or has not previously adjudicated at a Judo Alberta sanctioned event. If you meet this criteria, but would still like to attend the seminar, that is fine, just click the link below to sign up.

2024 Red Deer Open Judo Shia

2024 Red Deer Open Judo Shia

Location: Lindsay Thurber Comprehensive
High School 4204 58 St., RED DEER, AB, T4N 2L6

Divisions: U10, U12, U14, U16, U18, U21 (Female and Male), Senior Women and Senior Men, Veteran Men and Women.

This is a pre-registration tournament only. Online Registration:

Deghuci Canadian Tour – Sponsored by Ford Canada

Deghuci Canadian Tour – Sponsored by Ford Canada

Come meet, learn and do judo with 2024 Paris Olympic Gold Medalist Christa Deguchi! Come see the medal, get a photo and learn from the CHAMP!


There will be three different training sessions addressing different age groups. It will be important to act quickly because there are limited spaces for each training session. Athletes can only attend the session of their age group (1 session maximum). Coaches can attend multiple sessions.

Location: Kodokwai Judo Club, 7121 – 104 Street NW, Edmonton, Alberta

Friday November 08, 2024; U12 Session (Orange belt and above)

Judo 6:00PM to 7:15PM / Autographs & Photos 7:15Pm to 8:00PM

Maximum Registration: 70 (athletes and coaches)

Trackie Site:

Saturday November 09, 2024; U18/U21/SR/Veteran Session (Orange Belt and above)

Judo 9:00AM to 10:30AM /Autographs & Photos 10:30AM to 11:00AM

Maximum Registration: 70 (athletes and coaches)

Trackie Site:

Saturday November 09, 2024; U14/U16 Session (Orange Belt and above)

Judo 1:00PM to 2:30PM / Autographs & Photos 2:30PM to 3:15PM

Maximum Registration: 70 (athletes and coaches)

Trackie Site:

Judo Alberta November Yudansha Grading

Date: Saturday November 30, 2024
Time: 9:00 am
Location: Hiro’s Judo Club, #115 – 1919 27 Ave NE, Calgary

  1. All candidates for Competitive and Technical stream must enter their application into the on-line system no LATER than October 18, 2024.
  2. Refer to the Judo Alberta website for information about black belt grading and the National Grading Syllabus.
  3. Candidates should obtain their head instructor’s approval before making the application. Both have a responsibility to ensure the information entered is accurate and verified.
  4. Shodan candidates have the responsibility of ensuring their ikkyu (brown belt) registration date agrees with the Judo Alberta registrar’s records (as evidenced by the Judo Alberta Certificate of Promotion). Contact the Judo Alberta Registrar if you have any questions.
  5. All candidates must have a Judo Canada passport and bring it to the grading. If you need to order a passport, then go to
  6. According to 4.1 of the Syllabus, only tournaments recognized in Policy 4 of the National Team Handbook count for Competitive Stream points.
  7. No electronic recording during any Yudansha grading session. However, grading sessions are open to the public. Candidates wear white judogi only.

    Judo Alberta Grading Committee

Judo Alberta NCCP Dojo Assistant Course

Judo Alberta will be holding an NCCP Dojo Assistant course on Oct 26-27, 2024, in Edmonton.  Register online in the Locker at using your NCCP credentials.  Don’t have an NCCP number yet?  Simply go to website, click the red icon at the top right (The Locker) and then at the login screen press the “Don’t have an NCCP#? Create one now!” link to get started. Once you have logged into the Locker, look for the calendar at the top of the page and find the course on this date.   

Date: Oct 26-27, 2024 (2-day course)
Location:  Tokugawa Judo Club, 9647 62 Avenue NW, Edmonton, AB T6E 0E1  
Time: Saturday 8:00am – 6:00pm; Sunday 8:00am – 5:00pm (sign up for both sessions) 
Cost: $285 (course with evaluation*) OR $185 (w/o evaluation – for those eligible to take the DI course soon).  
Registration: All registrations must be completed in the Locker
Registration deadline:   Oct 19, 2024 

*After spending 60 hr helping at the dojo, a candidate can request to be evaluated by a Coach Evaluator and, if successful, become a Certified Dojo Assistant.   

This Learning Experience prepares the participant to assist in the delivery of judo practices for judo players of all stages of development, with an emphasis on participants under 13 years old. It is recommended that the assistant work under the supervision of a certified Dojo Instructor. Assistants under the age of majority must work under the direct supervision of a certified Dojo Instructor.


  • Minimum age of 16.
  • Minimum rank of green belt with a working knowledge of the judo techniques included in the DA program as identified by the Judo Canada kyu syllabus.
  • Sterling background check for all candidate coaches who are 18 years old and older via Sterling Agency – for details see:
  • OR equivalent Police or RCMP background checks. In cases where the Sterling agency is not used for this service, results of the background check must be communicated to Judo Canada to by the individual coaches or via the Judo AB office.
  • Successful online completion of the “Respect in Sport for the activity leader” e-learning module available at

Note 1: The background check and Respect in Sport modules may be completed after the course. 

Fall Veterans Training

Fall Veterans Training

Judo Alberta Veterans Training Camp Calgary

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Address for regional training camp location:

Hiro’s Judo Club

 #115 1919 – 27th Avenue, Calgary, Alberta

Saturday October 12, 2024

Time: 11:00AM to 12:30PM – Gripping, Drilling & Tactical   

Time: 3:30PM to 5:30PM – Randori & Refereed Matches

Registration Deadline: Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Judoka who will participate in this Veteran Camp are asked to register on Trackie:


  • Judo Alberta / Judo Canada Member
  • Minimum age 30 years old
  • Minimum Level Green Belt / Orange Belt with Club Coach Attending

Ewan Beaton HP Judo Alberta Coach              

Phone: (403) 892-6099      E-mail:

Judo Alberta RTC Training Camp

Judo Alberta RTC Training Camp


7121-104st NW, Edmonton Alberta

Friday September 20, 2024
Time: 6:00PM to 8:00PM – Technical & Randori

Saturday September 21, 2024
Time: 8:15AM to 9:15AM – Uchi-komi & Fitness
Time: 9:30AM to 10:00AM – Judo Alberta Model Meeting
Time: 10:00AM to 11:45PM – Technical, Drilling & Randori

Registration Deadline: Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Judoka who will participate in this Regional Camp are asked to register on Trackie:


Judo Alberta Regional Training Camp Calgary
Saturday, September 21, 2024
Division: U14, U16, U18, U21, Seniors, Masters

Address for regional training camp location:

Hiro’s Judo Club
 #115 1919 – 27th Avenue, Calgary, Alberta

Saturday September 21, 2024
Time: 3:30PM to 4:30PM – Uchi-komi & Drilling
Time: 4:15PM to 5:15PM – Judo Alberta Model Meeting
Time: 5:15PM to 7:15PM – Technical & Randori

Registration Deadline: Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Judoka who will participate in this Regional Camp are asked to register on Trackie:

2024-2025 Judo Alberta Schedule of Events


PDF of Schedule of Events

2023-2024 Judo Alberta Elite Athlete Funding – Round 3 (August 2024)

2023-2024 Judo Alberta Elite Athlete Funding – Round 3 (August 2024)

The Judo Alberta Coaching Committee would like to congratulate the following athletes who have been granted elite athlete funding.  The coach committee nominated the following athletes for the third round of elite athlete funding for costs incurred from events participated in from April 2024 to August 2024.  

The Judo Alberta Elite Funding will be sent to the athlete’s home judo clubs or applied to the trip/event they participated in, not directly to the athletes.

April 2024 to August 2024
Name National & International Events Judo Club Funding Method of Payment
Luke Thomson Jr. European Cup Lethbridge  $     200.00 Payment to the club
Tayven Tremblay Jr. European Cup St. Albert  $     200.00 Payment to the club
Marianna Karas Jr. European Cup Kodokwai  $     200.00 Payment to the club
Kondelia Karas European Camps Kodokwai  $     200.00 Payment to the club
Aden Kim Cadet World Lethbridge  $     900.00 Payment to the club
Addyson Tamura Cadet World Lethbridge  $     900.00 Payment to the club
Isla Diesmos Cadet World Hiros  $     900.00 Payment to the club
 $  3,500.00

Sincerely, Judo Alberta High Performance Committee

2024 Tom Greenway Award Winners

2024 Tom Greenway Award Winners

In 2005 the Tom Greenway Scholarship Committee was established. Tom Greenway was a two time Olympian from the Lethbridge Judo Club who passed away in 2004 at the age of 47 years old. The scholarship criteria was developed by Allan Greenway, Joe Meli, Dean Maruyama and Garry Yamashita.  Judo Alberta pays tribute to Tom Greenway each year by providing a $400 scholarship which is awarded to Judo Alberta’s top ranked male and female athletes based on the most 1st place wins regardless of weight category. The age eligibility for this scholarship are athletes who are 14 years old to 19-year-old. All tournaments considered for this scholarship are part of the Judo Alberta point system during the period from July 1 through May 31 each year. Athletes are eligible to win the award every third year giving the opportunity for this scholarship to impact many different judoka. 

The purpose of the scholarship is to assist young judoka to attend out of province tournaments in order to elevate their standard of Judo. Donations can be sent to the Judo Alberta office, payable to the “Tom Greenway Memorial Scholarship Fund.

Congratulations to Emiliya Aliyeva from Hiro’s Judo Club and Drake Gregory from the Lethbridge Judo Club for being the 2024 Tom Greenway Award Winners. 

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